Friendly, growing, alliance guild


DRAGONS NEST is looking for supportive people to help us move forward. Starting to run dungeons as a group, but the success of our members is our priority. If you are looking for a place on Azeroth where you can feel at home, look no further.

All are welcome.

Contact Shlem (dalejr#1120), GM, for info or an invite.

Good on the few guilds all trying to get people back into being part of a group again.

If you ever need helping doing a 5 man or a raid or anything look me up. I enjoy helping out any and all groups even if we don’t all merge together we should at least all be social with each other and create bonds to help everyone run stuff to fully enjoy this game.


Is this the same Divination from 2005-2010?


The same and only it is. I’m the last of the 3 that started it. I refuse to just let it die but there is few and far between anyone left. Every time I try to recruit is when half a dozen other small guilds seem to go full force to try and pull in new members and there just sadly isn’t that many people left on server to pull from…


If you guys are still taking people I wouldn’t mind checking it out :slight_smile: