I usually solo hunt this rare spawn in Uldum and this thread is primarily for what I’ve found with the “Friendly Alpaca”.
When found it provides you a daily quest called: Alpaca it Up. Feed it the [Gersahi Greens]: which are found alongside the rivers north of the Lost City. They are small circular spots (light green with orange flakes) and relatively easy to spot on moderate graphics settings. You will need to feed it 7 times (only can do 1 day at a time). The 7th time feeding it, it will pop up with a yellow quest called Alpaca it In, this quest will reward the mount: Springfur Alpaca.
As for locating the rare spawn for the “Friendly Alpaca”. I simply use a macro “/target Friendly Alpaca” and fly around in a circular motion to all of it’s current known spawn points, which you can find via WoWhead. I’ve noticed spawns roughly 30-45 minutes apart for my server (Dalaran): This is across 6-8 different spawn locations. Although it does not spawn in the SAME location for at least 6 hours.
For those not willing to look for the Alpaca themselves, there are people (like myself) that’ll create pre-made groups and invite others to come share the Alpaca. Although it sticks around for about 10 minutes, it does despawn rather quickly. So make sure to check the pre-made groups often to get the best chance on finding it!
I hope this helps!
EDIT: (For my records):
Spawn Points as of this mornings daily reset 1/19/20 on the Dalaran Realm:
9:50 AM CST - /way 28. 48
10:30 AM CST - /way 55. 71
11:10 AM CST - /way 38. 9
12:10 PM CST - /way 24. 9
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The Gersahl Greens are also on the southern side of the Lost City, that’s where I got most of mine.
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Thank You Caelia. Every time I would check the south side of the Lost City I could never find any. Good to know they’re south as well!
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I think my greens are glitched I’ve been up and down the whole river bed for hours and have not seen a single one. I do not see anyone else either looking for them. Is it possible that my area is glitched? Or am I just having the worst luck? Also, there are 2 other alpaca’s with same look but slightly different colors that seem much easier to get. If you’re just looking to get an alpaca, one of them is name Mollie and is found in Voldun
Thanks for your feedback. I went ahead and collected all 7 of my greenies already so not sure if they dropped the chance of them spawning. There was one point I went a good 2 hrs without finding a single one.
As for the other Alpaca Mounts. The “Elusive Quickhoof” is a rare spawn that can be shared by a raid group so I would recommend joining one that is searching. I joined one and not even an hour later it spawned.
As for Mollie, she is a rare drop chance off a world boss in Vol’dun.
Heh thanks for this. I was looking for Friendly Alpaca groups in Uldum and kept seeing Elusive Alpaca groups in Voldun listed and since I somehow hadn’t heard about it just assumed “wow those guys are way off”.
As for the missing greens, I think there is a natural information wave that trickles out to the player base, a few days ago nobody had heard of the Friendly Alpaca and so greens were everywhere but now most people have caught on and every green is being picked within moments of spawning - even though everybody will only ever need 7 and they can’t be traded, I bet some guy has a stack of 100.
Try turning your ground clutter all the way down while you hunt for them. Helps a ton.
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Hi there, after an 8th day of turning in the greens, it was announced in general chat that you can not actually do this in a raid group, you have to be on your own. Bit disappointed like the rest of my server but, go and collect your greens and look out for general chat saying he is spawned. Looking for a macro/script that tells you how many times you have feed him out of a raid group. any ideas?
Sounds like you can still do party just fine though.