Friend of Friends NEEDS to go

Hatebreed… Good old jock metal.

I think the only late 90’s and 00’s stuff I still listen to is Demon Hunter and As I lay Dying.

How I’m not level 3 or able to post picture or videos yet is insane.

This is a video my younger brother made based on a stoney adventure in the attic that happened on accident. Represents our childhood in music and game form.

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I was not even that big on them, but they were genuinely one of my most favorite shows.

I think they played with a band called Hopesfall. Who due to an illness or something were down members. They tried to do something, but they barely did a set. The venue still charged everyone full price. Nothing crazy, but it was like your standard 15 dollar show. Which was on the higher side for “underground” shows at the time.

So Hatebreed came out, said due to paying full price for a partial show, they were gonna play every song they wrote. My friends and I lost count at like song 29. We were exhausted just being in the crowd and pit.

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I hate smash brothers But attack attack is decent. I graduated on to the Browning and Dance with the Dead

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Why did you accept a request from someone you really don’t know?
How did they know you’re female?
Wouldn’t happen to have been on discord?
So many questions…

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I also like how we just hijacked this trolls post with good music and common sense!


I added someone yesterday because I knew he’d do the whole “add all your friends thing”, and we ended up in a group chat talking about how he sucks and we missed eachother. Win? xD

Gonna change my bnet name to Akston (female). See if I get more friends.

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okay yeah…i stopped taking this seriously.