Friend banned for sunwell trash farming

Then there’s the times when he plays and doesn’t stream. Got wrecked.

it’s rare for blizzard to just give you 1reason for any suspended account

you sure the ban message from blizzard had only reason “buy gold”? or it had more reasons? also did it contain “CS will not undo this ban” or not? and more importantly does it say “we’re removing the gold” ?

if you’re friend is innocent as he claims it’s super rare that blizzard would ban him, even if they was tracking bot user or gold buyer and your friend sold swp item to that bot user/gold buyer, when that happen? Blizzard will track your friend for while before they take action! and if your friend was trading gold they would put reason “trading real currency for in game items or something” But that isn’t the case so your friend is not a gold seller, if your friend used automation the ban would be longer so only 1option left…which is your friend bought gold in the past few weeks at some point and they banned him now.

if he’s not your in real life friend then it’s less likely that he would tell you that he bought gold anyway.

Players cannot ban other players with right-click reports. It’s an absurd claim and entirely unreasonable.


Blizzard hands out suspensions via automated systems rofl, y’all are clueless.

Someone might be falsely suspended and you’re all proud of it rofl.

These are the people in supposed to be building my community around?

Your “friend” bought gold.

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Players cannot ban other players with right-click reports. If it was possible to do this, a multiboxer would be able to function as GM and ban all the bots that players claim to see inside dungeons all day. This hasn’t happened on any server, there’s no video of such a thing happening because such a thing isn’t possible.

I had a guy on this forum claim he could get me suspended in-game at the “drop of a hat”.

He then proceeded to make all sorts of excuses for why I wasn’t banned after him trying to mass report me for an hour.


my friend

So, you

got banned for sunwell trash farming

So, banned for buying gold.


Not my problem. I hope they close your main bnet account permanently.

Yes because you cant just hold your gold in multiple mailboxes to not be seen…

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As it turns out many people in his mage discord were also banned for the same thing… they are all assuming it has to do with someone who bought a high amount of gold then purchased a big ticket item. Named the khorium neck recipe. The cut was quite high per player…

This brings into question every gdkp.

I’m going to just ignore the noise of he bought gold. He did not. I’m looking for legitimate players who also got caught up in the banwave. Namely mages to see if their ban has been lifted or affirmed.

Still riding this train eh? Just stop posting you aren’t going to get unbanned oh wait I mean “your friend” won’t get unbanned.

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Right there’s your answer.

If you join GDKPs you take the risk of handling botted, exploited, and RMT gold. :man_shrugging:

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I have never heard of anyone being banned for being in a “dirty” GDKP, that sounds like complete nonsense

Every GDKP participant banned is a win for legit players who don’t buy gold or help those that do.


Could you elaborate?

The healthiest action to preserve the Classic experience would be a massive GDKP ban wave and gold reset.

Good. I hope every one of those mage bots gets banned.


Blizz believes they have the evidence to hand out the suspension. If your friend appeals and the Blizz customer service thinks that he deserved a harsher punishnebt then it will be extended. Best thing to do is wait out the punishment and be careful what you do in future. He will have one strike so future infractions will have longer suspensions until banning

banned for sunwell trash farming
