Friday Forum Recap 7 - Solo Bg Edition

Edition 10/8/23

also quality over quantity edition :angry:

We all heard about the announcement of the supposed new rated bg coming and decided to dedicate the OP to topics about the bg and how it would affect us and moving forward in the future. as obviously it becoming popular would mean greater outcomes.

Classes Topics

AUgh-Ment evokers - As you currently know my stance and everyone else that can think, this class is still obviously busted miles beyond the retpocolypse that was 10.7
The class still does feel like in group situations would fit better in BGS more than arenas.

now here comes the fun part - tuning

They obviously do not need to give a flat near 10-20% phys reduction buff (Blistering Scales) to their target like thats so obviously busted even in pvp and pve

  • in pve it gives tanks a TON more mitigation making them near immortal
  • in pvp it makes them immortal to melee comps and or melee players in general
  • needs to be removed

Its not only that, when their toolkit can also wipe out 50% of someones health with just 1 ability while providing near immortality to their group while giving them forever burst trinkets is insanely frustrating to deal with.


Everything in their toolkit needs a flat 50% damage nerf.
When upheaval can hit for 100k flat and crit for near 250k thats insanely busted and noone can argue how im wrong with that statement

if theyre a support class they need to be doing more supporting and less paladin-ing. kinda shocking how they made augh-ment evokers better paladins while stating how they are there to benefit the group not themselves (as they top damage meters sometimes even past their overpowered buffed teammates)


In a bg enviroment this will not really be a problem but currently and most possibly in the future itll still be a problem.
Their healing is absurd and can sometimes even pump more than the healer themselves.

the fix for healing?

  • Aura nerf healing by 50%

BOOM fixed the class in a instant

Now if you dont want to fix the class blizzard you could always but a tank damage modifier on the class like you do us tanks. cause yknow theyre actually better prot paladins


Back to back chaos bolts are gone but cbolts hit harder (yawn)
warlocks get buffed armor next season like really? they do not need any more defensives.


Im a warrior i dont really care

they zoom around the map k


Still oppressive with their 20k warps and damage. would love to see some tuning before bgs release next patch.

While their defensives are golden and do not need a touch to them its their mobility thats the problem. when melee cannot even put a scratch on them while dishing out 80k dps constantly (arcane mages) sorry i coughed, you know there is a huge imbalance with mages mobility and damage.

Remove shimmer or make it so that altar time does not reset shimmer charges and restrict shifting power to only reduced the CD of offensive abilities and a select few defensives mages have

What compelled blizzard to make ray of frost a channeled execute at any % btw? there should be NO existence where a channeled ability given to the most mobile class should 100-0 with a small 2 sec channel


Legit pitbulls against mages. blizzard seriously needs to tune their damage around actually putting effort into killing something instead of pressing 1 button that hits plates for 150k flat and 250k for cloth flat.

And another thing i want to bring up about hunters is their defensives. its not the good kind of thing to bring up. Hunters you need to start pressing your defensives when you need to, constantly having hunters not press a single defensive then saying “we want more defensives its brutal out here” when all 3 specs are s+++ is a joke and should not be taken seriously by blizzard

Nerf hunter damage by 50% and give them like 10% more hp boom there you go

and im not on the side of mages they can 100% suffer but even hunters hit plate wearers with 40% reduced physical INSANELY hard

Devastation evokers

I literally have 0 problem with their defensives or hover ability but their damage is utterly insane and does need tuning. after a 25% mastery nerf they still oneshot people and in AOE situations they still just rip them apart.


Both holy and ret have HUGE issues

Holy just gets rid of melee and has insane healing
Holy shock spam with a mana bar that never ooms

Retributions damage is seemingly back to a level of the retpocolypse and are casters that can 100-0 you from a mile away.

Sac needs to be 2 - 3 min CD instead of it being 1 min
Paladin burst needs to be longer CD wise
Forbearance needs to have a longer time instead of 30 sec

Also make it to where rets dont have a 20yd verdict, as a flag carrier and even in arena its annoying to even get a safe distance from a ret when he can just spam judgements and hammers into a 70k raw verdict


So they actually got a AOE kidney shot now
 wow never thought the day that the joke would come to reality.

Rogues still unkillable

Remove the COS immunity, remove stealth functionality with shadowmeld, remove cheat death, remove 2 vanishes. and aura nerf them by 30%

Elemental Shaman

You already know the situation on this class and what is going on

Ele shamans not having a cast time and their LB’s critting for 80k each and spammable with 0 CD. Especially with their oneshot build you can ONLY imagine in a rated BG environment how thats going to go.

Howto fix ele shaman

  • Make LB have a 5 sec or 10 sec CD that will not be reset on FS tick, make the FS tick give the 100% crit buff to it when cast. you guys literally gave shamans a WHOLE NEW SHINY KIT just for them to ignore it and spam lava burst

Demon Hunter

Yea you already know how insanely busted this class is and ill just recap the changes i wish for

  • Make meta 10 sec
  • aura nerf damage by 20%
  • make eye beam kickable again like Tf blizzard why did you make it unkickable?

this class is utterly disgusting and i have 0 motivation to even speak about them


Honorable mentions to the kick macro and the banned users of said macro that deserved it and thinking its not cheating well guess what it is whomp whomp

“haha yea bro using this macro that i kept hidden for YEARS from the public that gives me a 100% kick rate totally ISNT cheating haha, whats that? i got banned? no wayyyyy i didnt cheeeeeaaaatttt blizzzz you done wrong here unban meeeee”

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The kennie

Terror of the midnight trash runs
Horror of the week old subs
Devourer of the month forgotten deviled eggs
Apocalypse of the tuna cans
Warlord of trash bags
Lord of the bin

I went outside and saw him
 it was horrifying, i was admitted to a mental hospital after seeing what ive seen. worse than slenderman as i seen the kennie crawl out of my trash bin with my leftovers i scream in terror. waking my neighbors and having the police taze me 20 times over to get cuffs on me


guys this is utterly of importance to you. MUD is being beaten by the silithids, hes putting in the fight that no one fights, the war on BUGS.

Mud is the hero that we all need but dont deserve
 the government of orgrimmar wants us to start eating silithids WORLD of WARCRAFTWIDE. but mud said NO
 I WILL NOT EAT ZE SILITHIDS. For years he has been traveling the world VICIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ASSAULTING INSECTS from the common critter to the towering BEHEMOTHS known as the Silithids. but tides are turning and mud NEEDS YOUR HELP. by liking this post and posting “i stand with mud” you can rise him from his grave to fight the fight and end the war of bugs once and for all. it doesnt cover his hospital bill btw lmao

Swole annihilates a priest

Swole enters the ring as a winner!

Defeating a priest well known for griefing lobbies and also known for the mystery of the downloaded program he refuses to disclose what it was. the priest disappeared never to be seen again. swole fortnite dances at his victory
A huge swole victory in the arena forums

Notorious and Killjoy have returned and forums are more alive than ever thank lawd

Sad seratox story :pensive:

Seratox imprisoned again assumed guilty for a crime he did not commit. his innocence will not go unnoticed and demand his freedom :rage:

For his crimes against Mcchickens have gone unforgiven in the mods eyes. so he will forever be a prisoner to the cells that make up stormwind stockades for crimes against mcdonalds

Classic Bros fr

classic bros keep flooding the board with classic stuff. getting really annoying as Wrath/classic forums have their own dedicated board. stop spamming stuff here

oh long johnson

Live video of me leaving a aug evoker warlock stacked lobby


Rated bgs are coming out and the show only gets worse from here bros. from Augh-ment lizards to the frost mage microwave beam and busted rogue AOE kidney L-M-A-O flaws of balancing will shine ever more brightly

Previous Recaps

6 - Friday Forum recap - 6 - Monday ohmahgawd edition
5 - Friday Forum Recap - 5 - AWC is trash edition
4 - Forum Recap - 4 - Locked Outside Edition
3 - Friday forum recap - 3 - World of W@rlocks Edition
2 - Friday Forum Recap - 2
1 - Friday Forum Recap - 1

cya next year lmao


I stand with mud btw lmao

also ik its sunday and i had stuff irl to work on like omg ik :rage: i have a life outside the game


Certified fresh post by the WoW senior citizens association. President me. I’ll be airdropping a Tesla in your backyard momentarily.

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thank goodness for friday

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great recap as usual

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it woulda came out on friday but i was too busy cleaning up and installing new lights in my back room :face_exhaling:

poor seratox. gone and forgotten.

Bump 10char


blatantly biased warrior pov i like it +1

Every recaps biased lmfao

Read the first line of text those reading btw

I love that pic LMAO

Oh no, my post became yet another Swole victim. I have successfully done my job and kept his report feature on cooldown. Until next time, champions!


always enjoy these even though its filled with warrior bias

I liked the kennie part. lol

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those are my favorite parts.

So a mage is big mad that he can’t:

1.) One-shot certain peeps
2.) Gets deleted by other classes
3.) TL;DR the rest when the thread went off the rails

Its all working as intended. :person_shrugging: