Friday Forum recap - 6 - Monday ohmahgawd edition

Your post history tells a different tale.

In a 1v1 environment, but you’re too dense to understand all the variables. Being better is all about being consistently higher rated, which he is over you.

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uhm, we’re pretty much on the same level rating wise. except i play with just about anyone from LFG and he has people he plays with consistently lol.


right. his season 2 glad was INSANE. he’s totally much better than me. except he has no concept of positioning, or stopping damage, or really anything.

Again someone please have me put down if I ever develop a beef with someone like this on an internet forum.

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Vs your season 2 elite, that you payed for. Also his s1 and s3 glads that you didn’t get.

Well he’s a dk and a 2s player

season 1 was my first real season lol. glad is just 50 wins above elite lol. its the same rating. not only that but i remember playing against him several times. nothing about how he played was good.

he’s just a dk. thats literally it.

You and him have that in common.

That you payed to get.

And you’re just an awful player with a weird ego, that’s literally it.

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he’s been playing since like woltk lol.

No, that would be me lol.

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his achievements are very old lol. but anyways what is this argument even about? or do you just argue to argue?

His earliest 3s achieves are from 3 years ago

his checkpvp says wod or something last time i checked.

i did play the game sporadically, played at the start of wod for a little bit, tried legion a couple times just never really got into the game until shadowlands, that’s why I consider myself a new player but have random 2.1 achieves sprinkled around.

You really love that time you beat an alt dk i was gearing up man i’m just confused why my honor geared alt q’d into you on my 2nd placement game

fully geared turbo beats a freshly setup alt dk in unchained. whole world is shocked.

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in that case im a new player too. cause i dont take this game seriously lol.

oh right, the alt excuse. lmao.

you are in every thread trying to ego people
you paid for rating and admitted it
you are in trade chat all day calling people rivals
you play 5,000+ games per season

but yeah you aren’t taking it seriously man

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sounds like what you do but altered for me tbh.

swole q up solo shuffle i just passed you in less games played as an actual bad spec

it only took inflation for you to get there :open_mouth:

it only took you 2,000 games to get there? eventually you just brute force it man

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