Friday Forum recap - 6 - Monday ohmahgawd edition

Got me swole. You win

Given my experience being kind of good (masters to GM for a while) at Smite, when a world champion calls you bad compared to like 99% of players you’re probably really good.

Perspective is important.

My kids are probably better at wow than you too. Imagine that.

Using your kids as arguments on an internet pvp forum you don’t make money from is pretty bad
 doesn’t matter if you’re right or not its just not a good look.

Neither is that mog :face_vomiting:

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Do you post anything genuine or relevant or is it all dumb all the time?

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I got your back, lets go!


Why, does your kids have credit cards with a higher limit than you?


Your like a pesky fly that won’t go away lol. I didn’t want to queue with you before and I’ll never queue with you. Find another career rival to play with.

I think having certain layers of abstraction from the initial draw if arena is healthy. As long as it only takes like 1-2 related ideas to get back to arena, it should be fine.

Why would I want to carry you? You didn’t finish paying for your first carry so why would I trust you to pay for another.
You said your kids were better than you, maybe they can get you glad without you going in debt for elite.

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You don’t take rejection well do you?

You’ll be okay.

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If I ever need a carry to rival I’ll let you know.

You paid for elite so anything is possible. Keep your chin up and bang out those games

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Thanks buddy.

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It’s disgusting that someone with kids acts the way you do.

No you don’t.


well cov, i’ve beaten him several times. thats how this beef started. it was in shadowlands when i globaled him and he has never forgiven me for it.

what do i even do thats disgusting lol?

You thinking this means you’re better then him in a game like this shows how awful you really are at it.

Besides existing here? Check your ego with your xp, it doesn’t match up.

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i dont have an ego tho lol. i literally play thousands of games every season because i love this game.

thats kind of how being better works.