Who: Cloudy Day is a semi-hardcore guild. 2/2H CoS. 9/9M BoD. 6/8M Uldir.
What: What does it mean to be semi hardcore? We expect our raiders to come prepared, know their classes, and not consistently wipe the raid with easy boss mechanics.
When: Friday & Saturday @ 10pm EST to 2am
Where: Horde and high pop Zul’Jin server
Why: Why us? The guild started as a group of military friends just trying to down bosses. We evolved to be AOTC oriented then evolved to doing our best in mythic Now can you help us keep getting CEs? Despite our military roots we are somewhat of a PC culture guild. We do not view that as a bad thing. Most of us are pushing 30 (or more) with families. Being an edgelord is not something that impresses us. We do not tolerate sexism-racism-hom/transphobia. We just want to have fun downing bosses together. While we are mature and friendly, we are progress oriented so strong play is required.
Any potential trials must have logs from BoD, be ilvl 430+, and atleast 3/8M. Though we have specific needs any exceptional player(with proof from logs) will be considered.
High Needs:
Caster dps
1 Heal (Disc or H Pal pref)
Any high parsing DPS as mythic raid spots are competitive
Quick Guild App:
Contact: Akishmi#1849 (Bnet) or AaronKish#6048 (Discord - preferred)
Mature socials on ZJ who like to run keys are welcome as well
Ask us about Mythic + and AOTC sales