[Fresh][NA][PvE][H] Looking for a casual horde guild that has one feature I cant seem to find

Hey all!

So with the fresh launch I’ve been enjoying dabbling in leveling my two toons, rogue and shammy, and whilst I have joined a couple guilds, I can’t seem to find a laid back friendly guild that does one thing… Chat in the guild chat.
I’m not socially anxious, (really im not I swear) but man when I login and grind this game, I just want to login, listen to some audiobooks/podcasts and chat with my guildies in the guild chat. Being in voice just takes me out of playing for some reason. I focus too much on convos. Of course, if I get to the point where I make some actual friends, great! I will chat from time to time… but is anyone like me anymore where sometimes you just want make a couple quick jokes/quips in the green chat instead?

Anyway I am sorry for the mini rant, I hope it doesn’t come off whiny…I definitely get the appeal of being in voice with buds, but if you have a friendly/mature laidback group where discord is not the only place where you communicate with your guild, please let me know! And I promise I will join voice for dungeons and raids…I swear. :smiley:

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Hey there!

I’m the GM of on Dreamscythe. Most of us have been playing WoW since OG Classic. Some of us played competitively back when Classic relaunched the first time through WoTLK. We’re laid-back, easy going and love to goof around. This time around we’re not looking to rush to 60 to immediately get into raiding, but want to take our time and level together, run dungeons etc. Raiding is TBD at 60. But if you’re interested, hit me up. :slight_smile:

BattleID: Angylic#1504


Thanks for the response Ill look you all up!

This sounds nice. I joined a guild, but no one seems to talk in guild chat (green text) I see an occasional person say something, then a few people answer, and then dead, for hours. I really miss that steadyish flow of green text.

I agree. I like the chatter in gchat. We’re still growing but definitely hoping to have that vibe.


exactly my sentiment! I did end up joining up with glamazon’s group who was kind enough to offer an invite… it’s definitely a growing community but seems a good vibe so far. If you join up look for Treyus, Im always happy to add some green text :smiley:

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Leveling my retail cooking with the bountiful feast on a couple new alts.
But, going to contact you guys when I go back in.
I saved Glamazon’s tag to contact!
This sounds like a great guild to be in!

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Hi Glam!

Your guild sounds awesome! I added you on both Bnet and Discord to talk with you about your guild.

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We’d be happy to have both of you! Hit me up whenever to chat :slight_smile:

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I’ve added you to bnet. Would be awesome to get an invite to join your guild. Seems exactly what I’m after. HC raider from back in the day, always played a lock. played seriously towards end of vanilla and went hard BC and WOTLK. Been playing on and off ever since and enjoying fresh classic so far.

Aim is to find a good group of people, make new connections and enjoy the game for what it is. Probably playing casually mostly, might get into raiding.

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If you are interested in re-rolling alliance I have the perfect guild for those that love guild chat :slight_smile: