Freshen Up Your Collection with the World of Warcraft Spring Sale

Freshen Up Your Collection with the World of Warcraft Spring Sale

Spring showers bring April flowers, and new deals are blooming! Get ready to freshen up your collection and savor sweet savings!

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You couldn’t have included game services in the sale? C’mon…


please add services to the sale <3


Why does the store no longer indicate which pets and mounts we have? It used to put a green check on the items we had purchased.


Any true collector would have these already squeezes them all

No you can’t have them

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It would only cost me $17 to buy the bundle now. Not sure what that says about me. :sweat_smile:

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I still have the green checks

I don’t. I use firefox.

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I refuse to buy them

Oh, I was looking in the game itself.

I’m looking at the web shop which is what this is advertising… and links to…

Oh i can think of a few things… such as loyal blizz fan!

Loyal to a fault, I suppose. lol

It would cost me $0 because I have them all :smile:


It only works in game. I’m not sure why.

I don’t understand the pricing. For all 17, it’s $41.99. But it tells me I already have 5 of them and the price will be adjusted. So I bought it. And…it was $41.99.

I don’t understand.

Finally getting the fish mount, but that Kodo…I don’t know if I’ll ever get that one, lol.

midwestern accent


$41.99 is the adjusted price. Looking at the page for the collection while logged out of the store shows the price as $59.49.

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oh god, now I feel stupid. Thank you for clarifying. I was expecting the adjustment to happen at check-out.

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