Fresh wrath servers but not a single tbc era server. WHY!?!?!?!

I mean he might have a point. When your population is so small it the only place it has to go is up.

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ive played classic era since tbc pre patch launch on multiple servers trust we got a good population. obviously its not a mega server but its not completely dead

Yeah that what people claim. They claimed the same thing about TBC and claim the same thing about wrath.

I’ve learned that the general populace doesn’t care and they will go all the way to shadowlands if nothing in real life takes their interest away from WoW.

In fact, dare I say because in classic we get the final version of things. Everyone who actually likes WoW will enjoy their time. As basically everything wrong was fixed within a given expansion before it was abandon for some new system.

Cataclysm? Heroics were too hard! Well guess what everyone in classic has been crying for buffs and harder content should be perfect for them. Did it has LFR sure… but with RDF not being a thing we don’t have for worry about LFR.

Mists of Pandaria? Nothing was wrong here. Outside of people complaining it wasn’t somehow tied to Warcraft 3 and of course “Lol, Panda so stupid!”. Like Cowmen and Spacegoats aren’t stupid.

WoD? Outside out the missing raid tier. Everyone enjoyed those dungeons and raids. They complain about Garrisons, but meh don’t stay in them go sit in a city like you currently do.

Every expansion was fixed in that expansion, and if it would have been like that from the beginning people wouldn’t have had issues with it. We get that final version.

yeah true but the population is growing and everyone on classic era is super dedicated

Bruh I logged into era during supposed prime time in the past month and there have never been more than 10 60s on in the entire Whitemane cluster. It’s dead.


Because nobody wants to play TBC Classic, as an Era server with nobody else.

That’s hard to imagine, since I have been playing on Classic Era Whitemane (Alliance), and have run several instances and raids the past week.

that wasnt prime time then. yes the numbers do get that low sometimes but theres still 2 naxx raids and 2 of every other raid on that cluster. and horde is doing just as good there. but check out the pagle cluster theres like 7 guilds theres also people still logging on other clusters too. if there was no clone fee and only 1 or 2 servers things would be alot better

there wouldnt be nobody though if they merge servers correctly

7pm server time isn’t prime time? Lmao. All of you Era fanatics are like used car salesmen. Trying to peddle actual garbage as playable. It’s dead, and anyone can log in to confirm for themselves.

I’m not sure what you’re Lmao is about. Yeah, that’s prime time. There have been more than 50 level 60s on at that time everyday the past week.

How are you trying to check?

How is correctly? Do you feel they merged Classic Era servers correctly?

Blizzard probably could just make one pvp and one pve server for both Classic and TBCClassic, move everyone there, and then just let as is and not touch then again.

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cata lol

im off this train when wrath ends of they dont do classic+

only 1 pvp and 1 pve per region, no classic era wasnt merged correctly the rest of the realms need to be merged with the whitemane and pagle clusters

all they have to do, they then could have a season every year that dumps toons into era realms for vanilla tbc and wotlk

no thats 3 hours before prime time as its a west coast server. but the pagle cluster almost always has over 50 60s online except for maybe in the dead of night. also tons of people leveling all the time



You could consolidate era to one realm and still have room for more players

So, would you merge the East pvp servers with the Whitemane cluster?

yes ideally and all the rp realms too everything down to only 1 pve and 1 pvp