Fresh when?

this time no layering


shadowlands release you mean? later this year. maybe august.


No, but that’s a good idea, if you removed all the bloat from retail it could be decent. Blizzard should hire you.

never hopefully.


As soon as you roll a new toon?

Your only 11, everything should be fresh to you.


That’s not fresh though, everyone is already 60.

put on your big boy pants and level
play the game
you got servers and some of them are way low pop
reroll for the F R E S H

it will be fresh for you


BWL just came out last week and you want fresh servers already?! At least wait until Naxx has been out for a few months. This isn’t the PServer scene where everyone moves to the latest greatest server every couple of months.

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Never if they have a brain.
Wanna piss off the player base in an unrecoverable way?
Wipe out the time investment Classic players have in these characters.
That outta do it!


Never, most likely. This isn’t one of your crummy intellectual property theft servers.


Funny, wanting Blizz to invest in servers for a niche of a niche.


probably never, they will do tbc when classic gets old in a year or two

Never happening

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I feel fresh after a shower.

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FRESH in 2022-2023, with new systems/rules in place (pvp honor ranking, bgs, and a system for better faction balancing) so it is not the same repeat of the shizzshow it is right now. Also, lots of bugs still exist in the game and those will be fixed too.

Fresh realms 2.0 is gonna be the best version of the game. I wouldn’t take the current version too seriously. You don’t care who u r up against bcuz of x-realms so that cuts down the fun by 30% since it is a hit to the community aspect of the game.

This isn’t a pirate server.

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Gonna say it will not happen, don’t hold your breath.

Dude, someone will ALWAYS be 60.
72 hours after a server opens, it will have groups of 60’s

Get over it, dont worry about what others are.


You have ~6 months until the next 40 man raid (AQ) is released. You have plenty of time to play catch up. There’s no reason for fresh servers.

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Id be ok with it after naxx.