Fresh TBC Servers

I would love two versions of TBC servers. ONE Era fresh. Start from level 1 right into TBC. One TBC Fresh Hardcore. It has just enough changes to make things interesting, but it’s not near as much as something like Wrath. Can we PLEASE get some kind of communication from Blizzard about this? There has been SO much chatter about this for almost a year now.


I think the only way we’re getting TBC fresh is if it starts from Vanilla fresh which has a lot more support and push for it currently. With the promise of TBC after progressive phases from a Vanilla fresh, that would probably get more people on board for the Vanilla fresh… and therefore the TBC server as well.

I know a lot of my friends that would play something like that but don’t play SoD because of the temporality of the server. Some people just don’t want to invest time into a temporary server/character. And I would agree if I wasn’t such an addict.


This makes a lot of sense. I suppose I was thinking with TBC Fresh- you wouldn’t have near as much Gold inflation ect. once crossing into the portal. I guess when you think about it, it’s not like when TBC originally launched it was a fresh server. Either way, I really want some sort of TBC action.


Some TBC servers launched fresh back in 2007. Not sure how they did but they existed.


Oh, well then. I honestly didn’t know that!

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I’m not so sure, there’s a ton of support for TBC servers right now. Having people wait for after a fresh vanilla server cycle until then getting a TBC server isn’t at all what most of us (the people pusing for a TBC server) want. We want our own TBC server that isn’t temporary (era) and we don’t want to wait for a vanilla cycle for it. Plus vanilla lovers and enjoyers can still go play that on Era. TBC fans don’t have that option. That’s all we’re asking.


If anyone wants a fresh TBC, it has to start from vanilla. Otherwise, there won’t be enough population to support.

Unless you make a TBC arena server, just pvp only, some PVPers will play but it will never have a large population base.


If blizzard was smart they would make the next ‘fresh’ vanilla server on a cycle that reset around every 2ish years.

Whatever happens with TBC should probably be its own thing

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I think cycling between Vanilla and TBC every 2-3 years is fine and the best plan for now, at least until Blizzard can create a solid Classic+ or make any meaningful changes to Vanilla or TBC. However, I doubt that will happen, as it requires a lot of effort, and the profit potential is far less compared to mobile games.

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I don’t think TBC really fits in a vanilla cycle.

They can be added if there is demand for tbc-itself, but tbc is much closer to retail modes than it is to vanilla. If the reason to mix them is to generate demand for TBC, that’s watering down vanilla to generate demand for a worse game-mode, which I as a vanilla andy would not be in support of.

I am fine with TBC as long as it is totally separated form the vanilla modes / client. We don’t need more bloat.


I would love to play vanilla only. #no changes → #old ranking system and no boons.

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I just want fresh of anything. Whether it’s a vanilla server or BC starting at level 1. Gave up on the reset and started playing on Whitemane. It’s so sweaty and reeks of bo. Tier 3 players everywhere.


Absolutely please!


Heh that’s an mmo though it’s always temporary

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I just want a fresh with all my dwarf goth priest mommies to level with, can’t a girl have alil fun?

Posting at midnight is a bad idea. - Yes, TBC fresh, Vanilla fresh into TBC, vanilla fresh, I’m up for it all! My preference is vanilla fresh, but given that TBC players don’t have a home, any of the 3 are good to me.


Sometimes people think they want something they don’t. I remember on Arena tournament we always wanted a tbc server but once it came it died down real quick.

I think they need to release content as it was pre nerfs. What I feel is killing vanilla is boons and even if you remove them now people are still overgeared due to them.

I mean bosses don’t even have time to do the mechanics in naxx atm. Anub dies before phase 2. Heigan get killed in the middle of first dance due to over geared people, gear they wouldn’t have gotten otherwise so the whole progression is dead and at the end of the day it’s the chase that is fun in this game even though it may be feeling dreadful but you look around at this bis people around. Just afking in ogrimmar waiting for rend and nef to fall.

When wotlk came out it came out already nerfed to the ground which made it not so popular or fun.


What? Lol. I’ve had my retail characters since 2004. Not sure what you’re talking about. My SoM characters are gone and my Era characters are on a server that doesn’t progress.

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People just complain about everything if they cannot kill the boss easily. Their opinion is if you want anything harder, go play retail.

I would love to play a pre-nerf TBC after real vanilla without boons/no decay rankings. Imagine everyone gets rank14 in MC phase. Maybe people will say Blizzard gonna lock the rank to like 8 or 10 before BWL then what are people gonna do within the game? That means no content and it is essentially bad for keeping people playing the game.

I want no changes 2019 vanilla and pre-nerf TBC after that.


I agree, any of the 3, just give us something!!