Fresh Servers & Population Control - What's the fix?

I was thinking about this the other day and current TBC has no way of seeing realm populations for horde vs alliance as a total population.

Currently the only way to see such numbers is to use and the demographic tool they take from raid logs.

On a fresh server it’s going to be extremely difficult to choose where to play assuming there are multiple fresh servers.

I feel that it’s going to be a situation where it’s either balanced like Grobbulus or imbalanced like Faerlina/Benediction.

I have a few friends starting and I’ll be going fresh with them to hang with them and have fun the entire way.

I guess the question to ask here and it’s probably too soon is… will there be a way to see populations and what things might be in place, if any to control it so it does not get out of hand and become a 1 sided PvP realm… essentially turning it into a PvE realm.

I would hate to start fresh and find out the opposing faction out numbers you 95:1 - it would be a waste of time leveling and would want to make people leave but would be unable due to the no transfers rule.

All in all I wish for a healthy fresh server on both sides so there can be challenges and not pure rage and frustration.

What are ye thoughts?

Thanks for the read!

If it were me, I just wouldn’t play day 1. I’d wait and see.

The one that says FULL is the one I’m going to.

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Make the smart choice and play on a PvE server. It’s fine being the minority faction on a PvE server. Or play PvP and pay transfer fees until your whole faction has found 1 or 2 servers to congregate on.

You haven’t met my friends they are gung-ho on PvP servers or nothing :smiling_face_with_tear: I’m forced into a life of indenturered PvP servitude. :hot_face::joy:

I think we will likely see a PvE and a PvP server in each region thst has full/high pop servers… maybe a couple RP servers tossed in.

US west tends to be horde dominated, US east has more Alliance usually so I assume it will fall to something like this 3 weeks in

US west PvP 100% Horde high/full
US west PvE 60/40 Allaince favored (low-med pop)
US east PvP 90%+ Ally (med-high pop)
US east PvE 60/40 Horde Favored (low-med pop)

Everything outside of that will probably die sadly as there just arent enough rerollers for fresh to support more than 2 big pvp and 2 smaller pve servers.

PVE wont matter what sides are dominant because there will be no wpvp, the pvp servers will be the issue as always.

Just hoping blizz may impliment some way to “view” a rough population idea early on. But probably unlikely… heres to hoping!

There wont be much world pvp on the pvp servers either the chats on the fresh discords moved from trying to focus on balancing servers to just going 100 to 0 as horde is looking bigger by about 50%

Interesting that horde is looking bigger as alliance have the better pvp racials. I would of never thought that would be the split.

Alot of people object to playing humans in a roleplaying game especially on pvp servers. Even with better racials it still caps out at a certain number.

A lot of people that are planning on playing fresh are not on the discord though, so there’s no guarantee whatever is happening there is going to end up being accurate.

There will not be a population after 3 weeks… I am not saying that to seem like a troll as I am being honestly very serious. People will get burned out very quickly and at best will only be a handful of people to play with by the time everyone hits 80.

The absolute best thing Blizz can do to ensure those who do stick around to play on these fresh servers is to only have ONE server for each region. Though I am not sure there will even be enough players interested in some regions.

Always true but cant really coordinate plans with people who arent in any of the fresh discords (there are a few of them)

Its possible that the horde wont gain as much of the silent majority as the alliance however the discord numbers closely approximate the current live server distribution which implies its probable that the majority dont care enough about racials to change factions.

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