Fresh servers for wrath

No, also don’t agree.

If you really mean Fresh servers instead of New servers, then telling everyone who has played through Classic/TBC that they can’t take their characters into Wrath would kill the game at start.

And as long as people can bring their level 70 (etc.) alts into Wrath character boosts will be there to make sure people can play with friends.

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That’s not what they want. They want blizzard to create a server brand new so people can go and level and not have boosts, and botters! Basically they want some fantasy land where they think they will have advantage again.

Most of these players started in classic. Quit at 46. Came back. Realized they’re behind. And now want to have a catch up.

No. We should absolutely avoid doing that. It will further dilute server population. Classic already has all kinds of population related issues and you want to create more server types?

So keep them dead. with no way to bring people back. sounds like a help blizzard go out of business pitch

Absolutely not.

Everything you listed is a terrible idea. If I want to move over my 70’s to continue on to the next expansion, I should not have to “pay” for it.

Blizzard cannot control where people choose to play. A lot of people prefer “dead” servers to populated ones.

If you’re concerned about playing on a dead server, then maybe you should wait the couple months and see where the chips land to pick one and let everyone else be.

I assure you, they’re going to need WAY more than two servers. I think you underestimate how popular WotLK was.

While I agree in the fact this wasn’t part of the original TBC, I feel it was a necessary evil to implement. Not all of us are in our teens/early twenties with a lot of free time on our hands. A good chunk of the players have careers and families with limited time to play.

I look forward to them putting in another boost. It didn’t hurt anything outside of other people’s desire to keep others from experiencing “new” content.

This contradicts your entire point. Private servers tweaked A LOT of things and yet, you bash the parent company who created the game for implementing minor things (in comparison to the changes from private servers.)

Such as:


Yeah, how about you just return back to the private servers and let the rest of us play as we currently are. Thanks.

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i do agree this is a dumb idea. as a fresh player myself i would not want anyone to Have to start over for the way i (with others) like to play.
But a good idea for now is to merge all the low pop pvp or combine to 1 server. so they have a descent population

If they were really set on making changes, they should have brought the leveling system they created with Chromie Time into Classic.

That way, if someone wanted to stay in Vanilla and level to 70 (or 80 if we get Wrath), they could do the whole shot in one “expansion” and they could still say “I didn’t do TBCC, I did it all in Vanilla Classic!”

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If private servers have a more enjoyable version of wrath to you, go there and leave us be.

You’re a joke

We couldn’t get them for TBC Classic (Retail) despite several request and a huge and well-liked post with the many reasons why we wanted them for it. In fact, we couldn’t even get a response from Activision/Blizzard one way or the other despite the popularity and length of the post.

I don’t see why Activision/Blizzard would actually care about creating fresh, new servers with no cash shop conveniences for Wrath of the Lich King Classic (Retail) when they couldn’t even be bothered with a response to such a lengthy and popular thread for TBC Classic (Retail). I mean, I understand I post on an Alliance character and the company doesn’t really care about that faction, but the OP of the above thread is actually a Horde player and still couldn’t get a response one way or the other.

Good luck on your attempts though. I know the feeling a true RPG’er has for an old-school MMORPG, but we are just not the cash whales that Activision/Blizzard actually cares about keeping subscribed anymore unfortunately.


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Some of you have previously stated that the pressure to “keep up with the Jones’” is what is driving your desire for fresh servers. Fresh means you won’t be confronted with other players that have better gear than you do. Or more gold.

That narrative in your head, that your value as a player is diminished because someone has something you don’t is not Blizzard’s problem.

It is simple envy. No, it’s parasitic envy—of your own creation and may be related to toxic masculinity. Possibly.

Regardless, it’s not Blizzard’s problem.

I get that there’s a handful people that love the idea. I still think it’s pointless. Any fresh WoW server will be “ruined” within a month, two to three at most if xfers are locked out.

what is “wrath”?

On a fresh WoTLK Classic server, I’d speed-level a hunter to 55, and then main a death knight. Easy peasy.

I think the best course of action is to go through classic wrath then start up these fresh servers that go from vanilla to wrath fully in like two years or so. This is most likely what blizzards plan eventually, but who knows maybe they’ll push for a classic+ project or go insane and release cata again (lol). Personally I hope they skip cata and go to pandaria since I didn’t get to see it when it was current content and I adore monks.

Ah, I see you did not actually read the post. I wonder then if your conclusions about envy and toxic masculinity stem from some sort of personal bias in your own life. Possibly.

Anyways, you are way off from many of the community reasonings that I and others posted about our desire for fresh, new TBC Classic servers. I do realize it is not Activision/Blizzard’s problem, and that you are merely projecting your own personal problems here. But it was a request from a vast number of paying subscribers that we thought they would at least consider, even if they responded to it negatively.

Sadly, we got neither consideration nor any kind of response from them other than an inferred "No".



Seems like a no-brainer to add a fresh server or two for Wrath. But sadly it’s more likely they’ll just sell another Deluxe Edition with a Boost. The quality of the game, providing an authentic and fun experience are irrelevant compared to milking the playerbase.


I was referring to a collection of posts going back months, and I made that pretty clear.

So, if someone calls out a toxic attitude they must have previous experience with said attitude. Pretty weak retort, if I may say.

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