Fresh PvP sever: Skyfury

Nice! Can’t wait…


Cool thread. Could have just commented in the blue post.


Not everyone sees those pinned posts…

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I’m happy for Skyfury pvp and honestly glad they made 1 pve as well to reduce my queue time and get the cry babies out of my ecosystem.


I check them first in case of new info. It’s a good habit if you frequent the forums.

Good for you!

What a champion of the forums. If only the rest of us could be more like you.

Will you be playing on Skyfury?

No… no need to be sarcastic. I guess you’re always like that when people offer you a helpful suggestion?

Maybe bad, I thought you were the same person as the warrior…

I usually just check the “Blizz tracker” to see what’s new.

Playing fresh?

Yeah I’ll be on the pve realm Maladath they just announced.

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I think I will play on Skyfury, but also don’t want to miss out on Grobb mayhem once the scourge hits…

That’s why I plan to play both but eventually lead more into fresh, I think fresh should do fine long as it gets some decent pop ratio.

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I mostly plan on doing PVP, so it may not matter in the end, since we are all grouped anyway.

I can’t pass up a fresh levelling experience on a PvP server though. It’s the best.


I honestly think a lot of these pve cry babies would’ve actually enjoyed playing on a pvp server fresh. Theres nothing more exciting than your group of friends running into another group in the open world and fighting it out haha. It’s fresh so no max levels to gank etc. Its ashame they gave in.


There will only be a queue time for a day, fresh is not as popular as you think its going to be, why don’t you understand that?

Not sure where you are getting this from…

I think a lot of people will enjoy fresh and a lot will enjoy their old server.

To each their own, and come August 30, who cares? Just play.

“Just play,” clearly you don’t care.

Any one have a link to the Skyfury discord?

im playing both. already have too much invested to just give up on my grobb toons but i have some real life friends that are coming back just to play on fresh servers. think it will be a good time. looking forward to it. i think you right though. i dont think it will be too popular past the first few weeks when the shine wears off but man its gonna be wild till then

Yea, always fun at first. Its going to turn up like fae or bene tho

:+1:t2: :joy: :wave:t2: