FRESH is inevitable

And seasonal server are going to erase bots, gold buying and try hards?

Anywhoo this conversation is going nowhere… I’m out of here for now take care!

I didn’t say that. Seasonal Servers seem less of a waste of time than NEW Servers.

Don’t have to tell me twice.


The only thing inevitable is death, at least since I incorporated.

I say give the “fresh” nerds what they want. At the very least it might shut them up about “fresh”.


whoa that’s deep!

See? This is the sort of thing I’m hoping to avoid gearing once you get your “fresh” server.

As my sub comes to an end I can only hope Blizz adds an eternal, Fresh Classic server with no transfers to or from. And also keeps their hands off it and not put any changes. I genuinely would like to sub again, but that’s really the only condition I would. I want to play the game built around the community. I want to experience that journey with everyone starting from 1 one last time.


They also said they weren’t going to make legacy servers AT ALL just 5 years ago. People constantly asking for it is the reason we have Classic in the first place.

Can you imagine the bliss? The utter beauty of having a server… untouched by the corruption of paid services? Wow… And not to mention a fresh server where everyone starts at level 1.

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I’m not opposed to it, but I don’t see how it’d fix anything for long. The economies on all servers was pretty tilted a few months in. Mages will still print money, and gold buyers/sellers will still be around.

Ill never understand the appeal of replaying classic over and over. Grinding for pre raid gear and endless MC for eternity sounds like a nightmare.

Your other thread was nuked. You catch a timeout?

I’d love a Fresh server. The whole game for me is leveling and dungeoning with people I meet. ITs doing the group quests and conquering challenges. While I think the armor sets are cool at level cap - if I wanted to raid i’d just play retail.

It isn’t about the end-game… thats the thing. The whole reason is to relive the leveling experience which a lot of us classic fans love more than anything.

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Very true, there is no disputing that
But at least it will have that fresh server feeling for the TBCC launch and a few months afterwards.

I can sadly only imagine it. I don’t expect it to come to fruition. Blizz seems to be treating Classic like Retail. TBC Classic anyway. And the survey hints they’re at least considering doing the same with Classic. What a waste.

Many people are against server bloat, not the idea of fresh servers. For example, if blizz offered 1 fresh pve and 1 fresh pvp and 1 fresh rp server in each of its zones, people would then start complaining that they wanted more. Soon, the population is as diluted as retail and there are a ton of dead servers.

Honestly what I would like to see is a bunch of the small servers both in Classic and Retail mur… merged. Then a fresh server or 3 for TBC. That way people get their fresh to “you do you” while liquidating a bunch of under-used servers.

Saves on money for Blizz and makes a small list to scroll. :slight_smile:

It shall be so