FRESH is inevitable

Doesn’t even have to be him – I’d be happy with anyone offering a decent reason to oppose it! :smiley:


most classic servers are dead now. if new servers are released blizz is committing to them existing forever. the same as they did in retail. they don’t just delete servers. since MOST classic servers are dead there are at least 20+ servers that need to be repopulated to make new tbc servers make sense at all. we’ve told yall over and over again. but you’ll come back with “we just want 1 server” then someone else will come back with “3-6” and you’ll realize the slippery slope and why blizz isn’t gonna do it.

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Okay. Why do you care if there are dead servers?

because to get off of them you need to pay real life money to move. per character. if you commit to leveling 6 toons on a server and then it ends up a ghost town? do the math.

So you think fresh servers will draw players away from your server?

no i think they’ll eventually die as most servers have already. and then people will quit instead of paying even more money to go to a full server. the same as happened when server transfers showed up.

told you so

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Now you lost me. If I roll on a fresh server and it dies, what do you care? If it doesn’t affect your server with all the 60s, what difference does it make to you?

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i am arguing for the health of the game overall. you guys are arguing for the ability to just play fresh again. do you care about classics long term health? those dead servers will always be dead. when wrath classic comes out they’ll still be dead. then what? someone still won’t want to transfer 39487593485 toons. especially since “fresh” players consistently throw boosting under the bus. you just want to pay for a private server experience. some of us actually invest in our toons.

So tell us, what is the healthiest option for vanilla wow servers?

This is a 16+ year-old game. We’re all here because we wanted to replay it! So yes, I think catering to that demand with occasional resets would be very good for the “health of the game.”


if yall want seasonal servers that reset all the time i have no issue with that. but just introducing static fresh is not something that will be good for the games health, long term. right now classic seasonal would make sense. as when wrath classic is released then tbc seasonal would make sense. but not new servers that will all eventually die. you can google the pops of the “new” servers that blizz released in retail. most of of them are dead to this day. especially in a post-server transfer world.


Cool! Consensus!

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I’ll take it

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Looks like he’s seen the light


i’ve been saying the same thing for days. yall just don’t read what i’m actually saying. lol

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classic fresh is inevitable…i just hope that it comes in the form of seasonal servers. that way i don’t have to be here in another year in a half.


The initial push for classic realms was because after cata you couldn’t play the original vanilla anymore as cata obviously altered quite a bit of the vanilla content. Not to mention, the leveling xp requirements in vanilla content has been altered from TBC and on. You couldn’t play the vanilla content as it was back when it was released anymore so players were playing that content on pservers because Blizzard did not have Blizzard hosted vanilla servers.

They accomplished the goal of giving vanilla content servers, now you have a small niche of the playerbase wanting fresh servers when we already have too many servers than is needed. Why? So they can relive the launch experience and leveling again! 4 months later when majority of the population has a max level you will then be getting requests for more servers because the hype of the current batch has subsided and normalcy and complacency sets in.

No. Pointless. Get a guild dedicated to leveling 1-60 again.

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I want to be VERY clear that there IS a difference between “fresh” NEW Servers and “fresh” Seasonal Servers.

I’m against “fresh” NEW Servers because I don’t understand the purpose of Blizz constantly creating “fresh” NEW Servers, over and over, again to appeal to a VAST minority looking for “clean slate servers” that don’t have an established economy, faction imbalances, players in BiS Gear, etc., to try to have some sort of Utopian stagnated server to their (and it varies from person to person) liking. I just don’t get it :woman_shrugging:

But, I’m not against “fresh” Seasonal Servers that wipes EVERYTHING (mounts, alts, titles, etc.), when the duration is over. I’m willing to compromise with a Paid Service to archive said Seasonal Server Characters onto the Stagnated Servers :slightly_smiling_face:

Right? I’ve LITERALLY been saying the same thing, myself. There are TWO different “fresh” groups, so it’s important to figure out which group we’re talking to LOL

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Let’em die as we all know they’re going to? I mean its inevitable. People can act like they aren’t going to play TBC and have a general interest in Classic, but we all know thats untrue. The classic servers are going to be more dead than private servers and will stay that way indefinitely.