No, just have worked with a lot of code development so understand that lots of stuff which seems easy really isn’t, also its common knowledge that the code for classic is a mess, which is why its always been a bit problematic when they make changes. Lastly, start thinking about all the things that get impacted by even just trading and you will quickly realize it’s not simply just a Y/N flag.
The code for Classic Wow is absolutely garbage. Stop coping and admit that blizzard is terrible company already lol
This is gonna be such trash if this is actually what the November announcement is. Nobody wants HC Fresh except streamers that are starved for content.
Give us classic fresh or a dedicated TBC server, none of this HC fresh garbage that’s going to have a <2 month lifespan.
Yeah, with no grouping and no external buffing else it’s not SOLO, which is what we need. Simple Self Found - what we have now - is just a p.i.t.a. as you can do anything - almost - as in normal HC, only with a bit more trouble, but you cannot share your surplus - that random blue drop you just have to vendor
And better yet would be different buffs where you could pick’n’mix. No gear, Grey/white gear only, no mounts, no groups …
Then just transfer when you die - you can have your pie and eat it here
The only change I would want is the petri flask+group drop exploit.
I would make it so the teleport timeout does not tick down if you are currently in petri… that would fix it for me.
If any new were due before November we would surely get information on it for the anniversary that is a month prior. Starting to think the streamer delaying was just to build anticipation for their content.
Oh, that is entirely possible I agree.
I still think there is a chance they announce something for the anniversary event, but who’s to say what that will actually be.
Let’s hope it’s TBC HC this time
Dua spec, better fleshed out classes and basically the same journey except you also go to outland
If it is TBC would you have to level to 60 first because that is about 90% of peoples problem.
Blizz is supposedly announcing something on November 13th so I guess watch out for that.
Save the Date for Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct on November 13
It should be you can transfer your characters over or create a new level 1.
The Diablo series has had HC for a long time. Their servers aren’t any more stable than the WoW servers.
Hoping petri stays as is
Wrong, fresh servers with the same exact content as classic 2019 that when they reach the end of server progression merge into era servers is the best possible scenario. It feeds both party’s very well and allows people who love progression to play the game still, while keeping the feeling of character permanence available.
This is wrong. There are multiple sources that are saying that the fresh classic server progresses into TBC rather than feed into era.
what multiple sources?
Idk why they would even bother honestly, Skull Rock is pretty dead, adding another server just splits an already small playerbase.
I would be down for that!
Lmao the big announcement: “China is getting HC servers” uhhh okay ? “and a flying spectral tiger that we can’t get” great stuff blizz
They’re still announcing something nov 13th.