Hopefully it’s self found. That was the best way to experience hardcore. Without the community dealing with the same shared strife, it doesn’t have the same feel. SSF or SF would be amazing.
Also, add official challenges like nudist/no talents used etc.
Hopefully not.
It’s bewildering to me that Blizzard has the golden egg in their hands in the form of a mode that says, “Play this to understand why WoW was so popular in the first place.” It’s evergreen content, and requires very little maintenance to have that small core to play until the day the servers shut down or earth freezes over, whichever comes first.
Fresh servers are short term benefits with long term drawbacks. It will only fragment the community further.
What we really need to have WoW Hardcore (and classic, to an extent) be a timeless classic are:
Better server stability. Give it it’s own hardware, reinforce what you have, but it’s really bad when SoD and TWW traffic impact whole other game modes. Imagine if your Diablo 4 session crashed because of raid night on TWW?
Rollback points in the event of Blizzard-end server crashes. This means that you’ll still lose characters on disconnects and won’t prevent mass deaths from regional ISP outages, but at the very least it’ll have a safety net that will drop you off at the beginning of an instance or spawn back into the world ready to take on a mob you instantly aggro.
Hardcore-exclusive achievements with rewards granted upon level 60. You’ll be given a panel on the character creation screen that lets you select the “challenges” you want to take on. Being PvP flagged from level 1, No Talents, No Mount, Solo/Self-Found, things like that. And upon reaching level 60, your character will be given a glow associated with your achievement/s.
Minor balance pass. Buffing of certain notoriously dead talents. No reworks, please.
Minor profession itemization pass. Professions in Hardcore are wonderful because the items and armor are always in demand. Leaning into that enhances the community aspect of HC WoW.
Avoid power creep. We don’t want to feel strong, we want to mix and max stats. Classic WoW is the closest the game has ever been to a sandbox.
I believe we need a self found server. You can join that community, because that’s where everyone will be. Blizzard finally know it, imo. It’s time. The only splitting would be leaving the current HC servers up. They can close for all I care. SF community is the way to go.
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HC will be DOA if they can not figure out what to do with death by server crashes or an unfortunate random dc, I get it that it is difficult to determine what to do with a dc on our end but Blizz has done nothing when the entire server crashes on their end, it has wiped out entire guilds, and not a darn thing done about it.
RNG death is part of the fun. If you’re not willing to accept that in online games then hardcore isn’t for you. This is true of any hardcore game.
Starting over again is fun.
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no one is talking about dying from playing the game , the topic and sore spot is dying from server crashes, and there was a lot of them, and that is not fun , it is annoying as it can get in a video game.
That’s what I mean by RNG death. Sometimes you just die by RNG. A server crash. That’s been the hardcore experience in online games since the inception of them. It’s not for everybody.
A hardcore player can see that as a cup half full situation because you get to start over again. Which is very fun.
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I can’t imagine this is more than a pipe dream by some streamer trying to get clicks, nobody is asking for another HC server, and there isn’t the population to even maintain two, as for the SF crowd, there are so few people playing that mode, its not even worth the development effort they already wasted on it, I mean its fine for one of my alts and I have some fun but lets be realistic it only subtracts from the game.
Most of the things people want in this thread and others are simply impractical, since its unlikely Blizzard will invest much more in HC or make a version of appeal-core for those who feel they need all kinds of safety nets, however beyond them likely not even considering things like that, they certainly wouldn’t need a fresh server for it, splitting their code base even further.
If there ever was a fresh HC server, its most likely it will be essentially the same as the servers we already have, at most assuming they also launched an ERA server at the same time, they might add phasing, but anything beyond that just isn’t likely.
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we want tbc and wrath era pls
Please just leave HC alone.
No it needed to be SSF from the start. So hopefully they rectify that error. Also they need to be adding challenges like nudist and no talents used, etc.
These are the kinds of things that made the hardcore addon so successful. SSF puts everybody in the same boat of share to strife so it becomes a very social experience. General chat is popping off linking their greens and all that.
That’s the way to do it. The current server is just boring.
Has to be SF. This is how I wanted hardcore to be so I’m excited!
does that guy work for blizzard or what 
a fresh HC server seems so pointless lol.
it would be cool if it was SF though.
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It would definitely be pointless if they added no dynamic to it. So I have to assume they’re making a SSF one or something.
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HC is always fresh. Literally the last mode that needs a new server.
They need an SSF server. By far, the best way to enjoy hardcore is with a community in the shared strife of SSF. Gen chat is popping off. It’s great.
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So was more information leaked or more talked about recently?
They really don’t. Ssf is a small niche of a small niche population. It works fine how it is.
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I am really hoping for a regular vanilla fresh first. Dad gamers and hardcore is a tough sell since the free time is so valuable so I usually give it one try and once I die I’m done with it. With regular vanilla it keeps me invested longer. So I’ll give either or a try but I probably won’t stick around long on a hc fresh since, honestly I’m not that good lol
If they did a fresh HC sever before ever doing just a normal fresh era…
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