Hello friends!
I heard some fellow adventurers talking in the Goldshire Inn, and they were discussing how Jaina had conjured a “ Glacial Tidestorm” , which she mounted into the Battle for D’azar Alor. They were saying we could also obtain and tame that elemental for ourselves if we dared to face the horde in that encounter. I also heard that an “Uncorrupted Voidwing” had been retrieved from the depths of Ny’alotha, from the Old God N’zoth himself, which we could raise and keep for ourselves as a mount. What say you? Do you think you’d be interested in paying me a handsome sum for me to recruit some brave troops to come along with us to see if we could find these rare creatures to add to our stable? The going rate in Boralus to hire some willing raiders is as follows:
Mythic Jaina mount - 500k
Ny’a AotC mount - 60k
That’s approximately 5 tokens and 1 token each, respectively, give or take a little on the good ol’ auction house. I’m a mount collector myself, and have brought many people to vanquish enemies since the times that the noble Varian Wrynn was still our king and have references upon request.
We’ll typically set off on our adventures in the evenings, so as to not draw too much attention to ourselves from the enemies, but times are flexible. Fear not, no gold is to be traded to me until I have the group formed, there are simply far too many scammers out there to trust in people these days.
Please add me at Neddy#1554 if you have any questions or are interested in purchasing a run. Thank you! For the alliance!