Fresh Classic Confirmed

make sure to read my thread for good classic

I call 2 months before the server economy is borked. Everyone will level a mage first and AoE farm the hell out the game and break the AH. 2 months later, bots will take over.

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Just release another FRESH in 2 months!

they are going to regret once other specs are way more available for raiding.

Not sure I’m following.

Time to go to cvs and get some diapers


AoE farming might be a thing for p1 or p2, but gets old fast in later stages of the game.

If Fresh Classic realms don’t have some serious changes ala Classic +, then it will be 100% dead on arrival.


You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Change combat racials to “flavor” racials, or profession racials for all.
Match maker like you plan for TBCC, non instant, non automatic.
UNARMORED MOUNTS, make it happen!!
In the meantime, merge the era servers!!!

Racials are perfectly fine. In fact, I wish there were more racials and they were more impactful. Give it a real rpg feel. This obsession over min/maxing is the problem. People need to chill out and realize it’s just a video game. Play and have fun.


Too much conflict. I’d like to go horde this time around while not told I “chose the ez mode”
It would actually be interesting to see if the faction balance differs without them.

Exactly why they need to go.

I think it’s fairly likely that the min/maxers will stick with tbc instead of returning to classic.

At least, hopefully thats the case.


prayers that asmongold will stay in ff14 and not ruin classic again


He said himself that he’ll only come back to classic if they make all the changes.

No, exactly why that mentality needs to go. You can’t approach Classic as if it’s Retail. It’s not, and it’s good that it’s not. It needs to have its own identity and offer a different experience.

Not to be blunt, but listening to people like you is what ruined the game the first time around. People who fixate and obsess and nitpick over every little minute detail, instead of just getting lost in a video game and enjoying themselves. After 17 years Blizzard should realize it’s IMPOSSIBLE to please that kind of attitude. No matter how many changes, no matter how much homogenization, no matter how much balance and rebalance…players complain no matter what. In fact, they complain more. Because the game is no longer about having fun. It’s about being perfectly efficient. And at the end of the day, that’s just not that important. It’s certainly not what gets the masses to play an mmorpg.

So if Blizz wants to go forward with Classic+, they need to abandon that Retail nonsense and go back and design the game around much more simplistic philosophies that focus on simply making a FUN experience. Balance is completely overrated and Retail has proven that. That’s not to say it has no place, because it does…but certainly not at the top of the totem pole. And people saying ‘remove racials’ are players who will find something to complain about no matter what. And sadly they can’t step back, take a deep breath, and realize they’re just playing a game and would enjoy themselves a lot more if they accepted that and relaxed a bit.


Excuse me but I played classic happily and the only thing I requested before launch were the unarmored mounts that WERE present originally.

Racials cause people to min max and the factions are less likely to balance. Not sure if you’ve read the extensive posts on the HvH battlegrounds. It’s toxic.
Just my opinion, and looks like we disagree. That’s okay.

In the end they’ll do as they wish, they always do. :confused:

No, they don’t. It’s just something a very small minority of min/maxers fixate over. And if there aren’t any racials they’ll move on to obessing over something else. That’s just how that type of mentality works.

Look, you claimed you don’t want to play a faction because someone might say you’re a tryhard. Seriously? That’s not a racials issue; that’s a you issue. There’s nothing Blizzard can do about that.


Please, we aren’t going to agree. Let it go and go have some fun playing. Enjoy the game.

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Yeah, after bots start selling gold.

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