Fresh Classic 'Anniversary' server tab not showing?

Is anybody else unable to see the tab for the (currently) offline Fresh Classic servers? Half of my friends are saying they can see the tab and the other half say it’s not visible for them. For me it shows nothing but Seasonal and Era. Want to make sure I’m able to get in tomorrow when servers open so I can reserve my names.

Bumping this as I cant see anything either. Also what are the fresh classic servers called? Is Hardcore the Anniversary ones?


The Anniversary Realms and tab will not show up until tomorrow. Probably out of a measure of protection.


Interesting. I have friends that are able to see the Anniversary tab right now with the 3 offline servers while I can’t so I thought it might just be something weird on Blizzard’s end. As long as they’re visible tomorrow before launch. lol

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I rebooted just to make sure, and nope, tab’s not there yet.


I think your friends are bustin’ you.

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The only time I saw the tab was when they were doing maintenance.

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I’m in the same boat, I can’t see hardcore or anniversary tabs, I was watching Guzu on stream last night and even though both of these options were unavailable at the time they were still visible.

I have one account where the tab for classic is there. But, another where it doesn’t show. weird…

Same. Can’t see anniversary tab yet. 4.5 hours left…

I can’t see either.
uh oh, hope we’re not bugged.

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Wont they not show up until later?

I cant see them.

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It’s not a region issue it seems. Some people in EU see it, some don’t. Same in US. Dunno… would suck to not be able to start at the same time as others because this goes unaddressed.

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Same here, one post said that central launches at 4 pm, a little over 3 hours to go and I have no tab.


i have an EU account and US account. My EU Account shows the new anniversary tab but the US account is not

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Im in the same boat. 2 hrs to go and i dont see the anniversary tab

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It’s not allowing me to connect to the servers.

Tab showing for me, but not for hubby