Fresh 80 Mage (alt) gearing advice

I had a 70 mage with Brutal Gladiator gear that I levelled to 80 via BG’s. Once I got to 80, it was hard to gear and I stopped.

I am trying this again now that there’s some good BOE’s available. I can’t afford ICC boe’s, but I bought wrist/belt/boots and some other Ulduar/TOGC items.

My question is, should I bother with the 235 ToGC gear, which is what I can get the fastest, or wait and farm the 4-5 trophies and get the 245’s? The trophies are 20 each and I have been saving those for some of the decent items like Reign, etc.

I have the 238 Furious Gladiator set, but it’s lacking in PvE, no hit, spirit, etc.

I have been spamming Gammas and I have been lucky I guess that nobody has kicked me. I am around 4900 GS and do “OK”.

I have about 30+ Frost badges already and Triumphs are rolling in.

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