Fresh 70 Hunter LF Raiding Guild

Hello! I’m a fresh 70 looking for a raiding guild… as the title says. I’ve been playing wow since the og TBC where I also raided as a hunter and priest, although in other xpacks I played Tanks and Healers frequently as well.

I’m hoping to find a raiding guild that raids at some point in the evening, but might be open to earlier in the day as well. I know how to trap, kite, control my pet, come prepared for raids, and make bad jokes to keep everyone amused.

I never was able to raid beyond a few bosses of MH and BT and would love to actually experience them.

As I’m new, I’ll need some carrying (ffs) but once I get a few pieces I can really shine.

If I’m not on Cetka (my hunter), I’ll be on Salaii (my shammy) for messages. Thank you so much for your consideration!