I have been having this problem since the expansion dropped (and not at all beforehand). I have DCd more times in the last three months than in the last twelve years–literally. It usually happens in instances, but not always. I can basically never make it though an entire raid night without at least one DC. I’ll be doing my thing, and then everyone will just be running in place until I alt-f4 and restart the game.
My internet connection is rock-solid. I never have an issue in Discord or other online services when this happens (and I have even gotten DBM boss kill alerts while lagged out before alt-f4ing, so maybe it’s not a full-fledged disconnect). My logs do always break when this happens though.
I’m not running any super weird addons, but playing bone-stock is not an option. I do not know how people heal with the stock UI (I am pretty sure they just don’t for anything difficult), and I’d sooner unsub than try.
My internet hardware is all brand new and very high end. I’m on a cable connection that’s far faster than I need. And my PC is connecting via ethernet.
It’s not repeatable enough to recreate it on demand. I might make it through a day without it happening, but never a full week. Usually it happens once per 3-hour raid night, though sometimes more or less. It seems to be completely random. It has happened in raid, 5-mans, m+, arena, the maw… no real rhyme or reason to it. Though it seems to always be at an inconvenient time–I don’t think it has ever happened when I’m doing laps in Oribos.
Particularly with Speed-WoW being the game’s direction, losing a minute (or more if it causes a wipe) to a healer DC is a major problem.
I don’t know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
This will be a problem when trying to track down a connection-related concern. You’d want to capture the issue happening with a WinMTR, otherwise it’s all guesses as to what’s happening.
WinMTR can be run for as long as you’d like, but we generally recommend running it from 10 minutes to no more than 30 minutes at a time. The reason being is that when the test is run for a very long time (hours on end) the results may not be as accurate. Compared to if you just have it run for 10-20 minutes when the issue occurs.
Mainly WinMTR is used to help look for packet loss or high latency spikes anywhere in the connection between you and the game servers. If the disconnections are happening mostly in raids/dungeons then you may want to just start the WinMTR before your raid/dungeon starts. If the disconnect doesn’t happen within the first 20-30 minutes of the test running, stop the test and restart it. Then when you’ve captured a disconnect post the results.
The disconnections may not be happening due to an issue with your PC or home network, but may instead be due to an intermittent issue between your local ISP’s network and the WoW servers. The hope is that WinMTR would allow us to confirm that.
Right-click on the downloaded .zip folder and select “Extract All”, to extract the files to a new folder.
Open the new folder that was created, then open the WinMTR_x64 folder.
Right-click on the WinMTR application and select “Run as administrator”.
Type the IP address in the “Host” field.
Click on “Start” and then launch the game. Allow the test to run for at least 10 minutes. Click on “Stop” after you have experienced the latency or connection issue.
Click on “Copy Text to Clipboard”, paste the results here, then highlight everything and hit the </> button in the posting section so it will allow links.
So, This isn’t the same issue I’ve been having, but I am also getting a “You have Been Disconnected” error a LOT when changing characters. Does this offer any insight into things while I wait for raid night to try and capture that particular issue?
Honestly, that WinMTR looks fine and don’t show anything that would cause disconnects.
Disconnecting when changing characters can be a different cause than disconnecting while playing though. Sometimes character swap / realm swap disconnects can be due to UI corruption or corrupt game data. If you can reproduce the character swap disconnect it may be worth it to try temporarily resetting the UI and then test it again. Then if it does still happen, just rename/move the old folders back in to restore addons/settings.
It recovered, but I hit a big spike while this was running. I haven’t fully dc’d since I started using the tool except for right after stopping it to save this one.
The 2nd line there ( shows a spike in packet loss, to 3%. While the test wasn’t run for very long, that may be where the problem starts.
So you have your router/modem ( which the connection to that looks fine, but when it makes the jump to the next device that’s when the loss starts. Depending on how things are set up that may be a switch or an ISP device outside your home / down the street.
I’d probably recommend running the test again to see if you can capture another one just to confirm if the packet loss is happening at the same place. Then if it is still starting at you may want to get in touch with the ISP so they can start investigating to find out what is causing the packet loss intermittently there.
Starting to think you might be referring to the sticky from 10-11 days ago. I too am having the same issue and can barely play the game thanks to this.
I have now replaced my internet service provider to try and correct this issue. Unfortunately, I still had the same random disconnect problem during raid last night.
Any further assistance based on the last winmtr data above?
It’s pretty clear that it’s not an ISP issue. Nobody gave me any explanation of what the last WinMTR really meant, so I’m wondering if it’s obviously something completely different. Or, since I didn’t see any packet drops in the last one, I think it has nothing at all to do with my internet connection.
The last WinMTR showed some spikes throughout the tail end of the ISP network before connecting to Blizzard. It’s possible the area where you live has multiple ISPs using similar routes out of the state. Winter storms can affect those routes.
Another WinMTR will help compare. Additionally, only run the test for 5-10mins while trying to capture the problem.
Yeah, it’s difficult to capture a problem that happens every day or two in a five minute segment. Obviously, I’m running it during raid, but I can’t start and stop it during pulls. I’m trying to restart it between pulls though. M+ is harder
Understandable. Since you changed ISPs, did you also change routers/modems? I’m wondering if there’s a QoS setting on your NIC or those pieces of equipment causing this.
I have a ubiquity dream machine pro and a ubiquity 24 port switch. My house is wired for Ethernet in basically every room, and this system has been in place and unchanged for about a year (and no settings changes in a year).
Are there particular configuration settings I should look at? Short of something breaking, coincidently at the same time 9.0 dropped, it seems like it would have to be a client-side issue to me