Frequent Disconnects

I am disconnecting a lot and every time it happens I lose all of my talent points and macros.

/scratches head

I have been having frequent memory crashes. everytime i log back in a spell is deleted from hotbar, one it added and for while it kept turning off my action bars from my screen

Disconnects are bad… every 30 minutes at the best, every 5 minutes at the worst.

Blizzard had 4 days to fix this disconnect issue


have the same issue

It does not solve disconnects, but after if my disconnect wrecks recent changes to bars or macros, I fix them and then log out – then back in – so that the data is properly saved. The next disconnect will not bork my settings.

Having said that. I cannot log in at all at the moment. “Connecting to server” times out.

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I experienced the memory crashes the entirety of early access and now I’m disconnecting every 5-10min on regular launch.

Same here. Now I’m stuck on retrieving character list. SMDH

I only had 1 or 2 disconnects all weekend, otherwise I had zero issues since early release… but now I’ve only spent 45mins playing before I started to get DC’d, and now I’m getting various error messages, from no realms available, to the usual generic unable to connect.

Dear Blizzard,

In the immortal words of Illidan, you were NOT prepared.

Sorry; had to be said.

Looking forward to the new content, when and if we ever get back in…been spinning retrieving character sheet for half an hour now…

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I got same thing

If you are still having issues setting my macros and bars and then logging out to save them locally, then logging back in resolved this specific issue for me.

Hope they can get to the bottom of what’s causing it though.