Frequent Disconnects: Uverse or Something Else?

I’ve been having frequent disconnect issues since I started playing WoW again in August. The disconnects happen immediately, with none of the warning signs that I’ve seen in the past (severe lag, running in place, etc.). It’s relatively sporadic, but there have been times where I’ve been disconnected 5x or more within half an hour.

Running the troubleshooting that WoW recommends hasn’t helped at this point, since I don’t see any lag issues when playing. Latency tends to be around 40ms or less. I’m using a wired connection to a Netgear GB switch that connects to a Luma router and AT&T U-Verse modem. I’ve got 50GB fiber service from AT&T.

Has anyone else had issues with frequent, sudden disconnects? I’m guessing the issue is either with AT&T or the Luma given the fact that the forums aren’t exploding with disconnect issues.

Im having frequent disconnects as well. I just posted to the forum about it. I really don’t think its my internet company though, i think its on Blizzards side because:

  • i play other online games (e.g. overwatch) without issue
  • i have been on voice calls / streaming when the disconnect happens and there is no interruption to the call or stream, just wow.

I haven’t heard any suggestions yet, but hopefully if enough of us are having these issues it will prompt someone to look at it.

Aaand, i just realised your post was from 2019