Freezing in quest turn ins

Even after the patches I’m having the same issue. Tried all the usual fixes, even dropped my graphics all the way to minimums, no change.

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I’m having this issue as well after the update

Reporting in with same issue, micro freeze on quest turn in.

Can confirm. This happens every time I turn in a quest. Reproducible in Nazjatar. 1-2 second game freeze, hard drive writes, then back to normal.

Same issue here. Like a 1s freeze at random, regardless of activity. It’s happened while doing the ram racing, while just riding around on my mount, while in combat, and especially when I turn in a quest.

I am experiencing the same issue as everyone else. I am relieved that it’s not just my client/system.

With 8.2.5’s implementation the game will freeze/stutter for a brief moment (<1 sec or so) every time I complete I world quest. It doesnt matter where or what type (Nazjatar, Arathi, Zuldazar…it’s all the same) and it makes zipping through world quests annoying. Nothing else bad happens - rewards, reputation, relevant achievements are all applied as per normal. It’s just a small stutter that occurs each time it completes.

Edit - looks like they are at least aware of the issue and are looking into it

Same thing happening to me in Worgen starting area!

That lag in the Worgen Starter area has been in the game for years and Blizzard wont fix the lag in the Worgen starter (Gilneas) area.

Having the same problem here. My game has just updated, it was very small, and I guessed it was a hot fix, but I was wrong, still freezing after turning in quests.

Also getting the same issue, turning in quests or completing world quests or even doing something that updates the questlog like quest progression) and sometimes when picking up loot seems to cause about a half second freeze.

same issue for quests, oddly enough it even happens in csgo now too, but that doesnt seem to have a trigger i just get the same 2 second freeze randomly there ever since 8.2.5, the fact that i have the same freeze issue in a separate game that coincides with this one bothers me a bit. makes me wanna fully delete wow and reinstall it.

Same issue here :persevere:

same here for the quests… waiting for a fix

That worries me A LOT. I’ve stopped playing since my HDD started doing a strange sound everytime the game freezes, so I was afraid this bug could damage It somehow…

May I ask If you were logged on Battlenet when CSGO freezed? That would make sense at least.

yea i had battlenet on, not wow itself but battle net was logged in
(same poster i just notice it had my classic on for some reason)

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Yeah they probably messed the client somehow, I’ve noticed some changes like loading times being faster and so on

same every quest turn in and a random lockup when i kill a mob here and there

I’m getting the same issues. It’s happening on quest turn-in, when a WQ mob is killed… very annoying.

Gonna go out on a limb here and guess this issue may be why they’re suddenly doing an hour of maintenance tomorrow.

I hope this maintenance is going to fix this. Its been annoying that it sometimes just completely freezes my entire pc for like a solid 10 seconds. Has only happend like twice but its still not good for my pc to lag out like that. Blizzard. Please fix