Freeze/Stuttering since latest NVIDIA update

Hi, I know a post was made about issues with the new NVIDIA update from 2-3 weeks ago that caused stuttering in game (Freezing for short time on newer Nvidia drivers) is there any update there or are we just obliged to wipe our graphic card update and install a version previous to the latest one? I’ve been experience horrible freeze in game which I never had before and don’t happen in any other game.

I just wiped mine and now using 457.51…still getting the stuttering though :frowning:

I am using 461.40 with a 10-series card without the stuttering issue. I’m not sure if the same would be true for 20 or 30-series cards.

I have version 461.40 and graphic card is GeForce RTX 2080 Ti - game runs smoothly all the time at 200-240fps, the stuttering only started the past 3 weeks.

Are you using TSM or other add-ons that are requesting game data or building databases?

I haven’t had any stuttering at all. Not weeks ago, nor now.

None, I actually didnt know it was nvidia drivers so for 5 days I turned off every addon and weakaura and re-applied them 1 by 1 to see which one was causing it and it didnt change anything.

I don’t use TSM but I always keep gathermate / atlasloot / questie turned off.

Turning them off doesn’t make them stop loading. The only way to truly test without them is removing them from the folder or renaming the folder.

Thanks I didn’t know that I’ll try. But is there any way to get some technical support to maybe check the .dll or gx files to help?

Still having this issue myself.

I think the issue is that not all players are experiencing this, so it’s likely some other factor aside from the game files and graphics driver. For instance, I am running on 461.40 nVidia drivers with no stuttering or freezes, along with the latest update to Windows.

Had a ton of help from WoW technical support. I was missing a windows 10 update and that fixed it all.