Freely change covenants

I know that, do you not understand how fun it is to pump numbers? nothing about flaunting my dps. It’s just more fun for me.

Smells like a you problem then. But you got your answer, Blizz ain’t budging… so do what you will with that information on what to do next.

I can’t, it takes 2 weeks and then after you switch, you can’t go back for another week. So that is 3 weeks of waiting. By then I will lose my spot on the raid team. Meaning it would be faster to just reroll.

The ideology behind covenants is they’re like picking a sub-class, not choosing a talent or spec. When you pick our character’s class it’s set in iron unchangeable.

They’ve relaxed with covenants enough that we can switch them fairly reasonably, but it’s not meant to be easy. Blizz has always just disagreed with the faction of ripcord players. So they won’t open it.

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Faster to reroll…

Level a fresh character, gear it in SL… yeah ok good luck with that.
This is getting into twilight zone territory, cya.

I mean there are what 10-25 people in a raid? Someone is gonna be the low one. If you are constantly at the bottom, it’s not the covenant.

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I don’t like this idea, but why you couldn’t just go to the QM to get the ability, once you’ve hit exalted with the faction, is beyond me. That would be a massive PITA for boss-swapping.

Actually to be honest, that is not too unachievable. Specially when all your raiders are already geared and can gear funnel you.

You’d need to really be lucky on gear with how drops can be on you this expansion. Do whatever you want, I’ve given my 2 copper.

Except my class is viable in PvP and PvE, how ever choosing the wrong covenant makes it utterly disappointing and not fun. If I can’t PUMP dps I don’t want to play a DPS class who specializes in not being a Hybrid and being a DPS class.

The problem is that Necrolord single target is severely under tuned and that we can all agree on. It’s not so much a switching covenant problem, though it would be nice and solve this issue to. It’s not the only way to solve this issue.

I sim 400~ dps more on my venthyr than I do on my necrolord single target.

My favorite drinking game is when someone from a roleplay server says covenant choice strength doesn’t matter.

What problem? They know you guys will play jump the loop hoop game, they know the stats on what covenants were popular among classes and for what reason.

Here is what they said “Working as intended”

Now if you guys can understand that statement which has been the case for several expansion now and stop playing jumping the hoop- you could actualy…progress in this agenda

MeANIngFUl cHOIces.


You know what will be fun for a game that well its purpouse is to had a good time, that you could play with all the toys (i mean the powers) just using those during leveling on SL and then if you want to try another you’ve to spent too much time.

If only covenant choise was related to text on quest, cinematics and the roleplay like Sylvanas loyalist and powers were like a interface that you can pick which covenant powers use at the moment.

I don’t think you should be able to change covenants… The abilities should just be interchangeable like talents

Yes I agree, but at least bring some of the other covenants up to par so they are equal. Currently as a frost mage, venthyr is outshining necrolord single target by huge amounts.