There’s been two times today when going into freehold that the load bar just stops and disconnects me. Then my character is in limbo for a good 5-10 minutes afterwards. This isn’t just an issue I’m having as most of the party disconnected as well.
This is better off in the bug forums where the qa team can take a look.
Same. This is extremely irritating.
This is the forum for bugs.
It wasnt at the time of your post.
This is happening to me again right now while trying to load into the game
This has happened to me as well multiple times yesterday and today. In one case it was only me, in another it was the whole group.
Happening to me right now.
Still happening.
Happened to me too, twice on my warrior yesterday zoning into freehold and once right now at Neltharions Lair on my pally
Same. Started a few days ago and has happened to me like 4 different times. Need to log out, log onto another character and whisper yourself (to get the game to register you’re offline) then log back in. Only way we’ve gotten around it in my guild. Blizz needs to address this.
Same issue with basically every dungeon since the update on 27 June, there’s at least a 30% chance that the load screen will get stuck for 10+ mins, alt+F4 and reload game and it says character with that name already exists. I get on a different character, that one has no issues. But when I go back, there’s a small chance that it allows me back in. Usually it is a 10 min ordeal to get back in the game. Then you take another load screen out of the dungeon and same problem again. It is a perpetual time wasting bug that has killed many dungeon groups before they could begin because we failed the loading screen boss. Some even after we started because the starting load screen took forever.
Would be nice if the devs could figure out this issue and resolve. I’ve tried clearing cache, running repair tool, turning off all addons, still the issue occurs so I think it may be server side. Frustrating experience overall.
Yes it seems to be spreading to other instances now to. Even taking the portal from Valdrakken to Orgrimmar caused the load screen freeze up.