Freehold as Horde

HOW do you get there without doing the BFA questline?

Or is it required to do the first foothold still?

you just have to choose one of the areas on KT to go, you dont need to do anything, once you there just fly to the DG

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How do you choose an area to go to?

This is a new toon… just went to the trolltown for the first time ever, and have no maps or anything.

This appears to be a massive oversight by Blizzard.

pretty sure you just go to the docks and talk to nathanos

So I’m seeing others are able to talk to Nathanos. He is literally not present (and neither is the Banshee’s Wail boat itself). I’m guessing I’m bugged and should just play my pally tank instead of warrior, since He did BFA.

Season 2 tank chosen!

You have to do a few of the quests around Zuldazar first, then you get sent to the boat to pick your first landing point. I’m sorry I don’t remember which one but I had the same problem on one of my toons and it took a bit to figure it out.

Good luck!


Thank you everyone.

I gave up and have switched toons. This expansion has been such a crapshow, I’m about done with WoW in general.

There should have been portals to these areas.

New players don’t stick around because this game, frankly, doesn’t want them.

Oh wow, there isn’t the portal from Valdrakken to Tirigarde Sound for you? It should be behind the panda lady who lowers keystone levels. If it’s not there, please report that in the bug report forums.


Yeah, was going to say - those portals show up just fine for me.

The dungeon itself might still be buffy though. I ran a low key earlier, a 6 originally, and every single person in the group dc’d on second boss. Then we couldn’t even get out of the dungeon, it had locked us in.

We eventually had to hearth out, reset, fly back over, try the 5 key. It was kind of silly.

Sadly, yes, some BfA Dungeons require to get a foothold to get access to the other dungeons on the other zones. Only need 1 foothold to gain access to every dungeon, so if you haven’t done the BfA questlines to gain the footholds, you’re not going to have much luck there unless you open up 1 foothold.


Isn’t there a portal to the zone in Valdrakken? I know they updated with the season start.

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My question is, why the hell did Freehold come back?

There is portals…

It’s right between the bank and big steps in valdrakkan.

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So they didn’t appear the first night. I run with 2 other guys, and 1 of them could see the portal, 2 of us could not.

The 2 of us that couldn’t did the BFA starting quest (had never done it before on the toons) and magically the next time we were in valdraken, the portals were there.

I have two Horde who have never done anything in BfA and had no issues seeing the portals. The screenshot I posted above is from one of them— my Horde Dracthyr.

It sounds like it was simply bugged the first day.