Freedom of speech

Many species put their lives on the line competing with others for a mate.

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Traveling pants.


The principle deals with ALL speech. It underlies the stated right enshrined in the First Amendment.

I keep forgetting we’re dealing with the Maffia. I had no way of negotiating these terms. They were placed coercively in front of something I had already paid for. Clicking accept in that context isn’t so much an acceptance as it is a “Get Out of My Way”. And pretty much any court would agree.

Blizzard has an Esport? When did this happen? LOL! Isn’t this the same company that tried for decades to create one Esport after another only to fail because they couldn’t anticipate their player base and kept doing the exact opposite of what it wanted?

I would say that I agree in this context that Blizzard isn’t obliged to keep extending good faith opportunities his way if he’s not giving them the same consideration.

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No, it doesn’t.

The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Don’t accept them and find another platform then; this is the free market at work.


I don’t think you’re right there. If you click agree you are bound unless illegal. And once again first amendment does not extend to private companies even if you want it to, thought it did, think its stupid


Yes where possible it is best to educate the intolerant and help them become tolerant however if things start to get out of hands and reason is no longer an option one must be intolerant of said intolerance which is what’s happening now and why many leftists are starting to become more aggressive and less willing to debate.

Edit: too add onto this I was once quite intolerant myself long story short I was vulnerable due to life events that saw my whole world crumbling down before me and only like 16.

I eventually came across people who were actually willing to educate me on things and I changed for the better although wasn’t instantaneous took years not something I’m proud of but it also makes me more sympathetic then most leftists.

good thing that doesn’t happen then isn’t it.

proof - blizzard firstly doesn’t know who you are on twitter and secondly, they would have to manually match you up to your account so guess what this didn’t happen.

there won’t be because you can’t guarantee player with ‘x’ name on twitter is player with ‘x’ name on WoW.

Sounds a bit too radical for my liking, then again I never got into a physical fight about a difference of opinion.

that doesn’t sound like blizzard banned them

Okay. Apparently we’re going to have to have an extended discussion of principles and how they are enshrined into law.

When I reference the principle of something, it is separate and apart from any law that seeks to define and protect it. So I can be talking about “Freedom of Speech” separate from the “First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution”. The First Amendment codification limits Free Speech in that only governmental abuse is considered. The concept of the principle of Free Speech, by its very nature, would include abusive corporations but precedent in these situations is something that would have to be examined on a case by case basis.

I don’t think a court of law is going to come down on the side of abridging your Freedom of Speech. Not even in as corrupt a day and age as the one we’re living in right now. Who knows? You could be correct. I’m not a contract lawyer. I’m not a legal expert of any stripe.

But if I get hit with a phone book sized legal agreement AFTER providing my CC information to play a game, I would have to say that doesn’t look good for the company. It’s certainly not what you would call “above board”.


Then you’re not talking about the freedom of speech. So much for “an extended discussion of principles and how they are enshrined into law”…

Then go ahead and try, but don’t say no one warned you.

Ok I think this is it?

Seems he got suspended from competing in official Esports, not the game itself. Seems pretty fair.

No i just wont entertain your insanity and your incredibly ignorant take. You sign a contranct that tells you not to do something, you don’t do it or suffer the consequences. That is just the fact of the matter. You gave up that freedom the moment you agreed to the contract

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You could just save some words and say, “free speech is whatever I think it is.”

Property rights generally trump freeze peach.


Yeah I don’t like it either I’m extremely anti war and a pacifist but well as they say “never corner an animal”.

How dare they suspended her for this how transphobic of them

Yep, fair enough. He more than likely violated his contract and WoW Esports doesn’t want to sign him in the foreseeable future. Let this be a learning situation for all: only sign contracts you will completely comply with, otherwise move on.

Very much agree with all of this; there can definitely come a point where you will need to fight but avoidance is usually better.

Freedom of Speech does not exist in WoW at all. It’s an echo chamber like TikTok. You either get on board and constantly agree or I guess enjoy being banned lol