Freedom of speech

I guess you weren’t aware that the Founders considered the Rights enshrined in the first 10 Amendments to be “Natural”. That is to say that it is inherent to the individual. You cannot separate the principle of Free Speech from the individual using it, you can only legally abridge it or prevent someone from using it by some form of oppression.

Thus, the Principle of Free Speech supercedes the First Amendment which simply recognizes that it exists.

Yeah. No. Sorry, I’d rather kick back and enjoy my popcorn and nod when justices get things right and roll my eyes when they don’t.

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And the Bill of Rights was written to protect these rights of the citizens FROM THE GOVERNMENT.

Champaign ‘Constitutionalist’, but be prepared to roll your eyes a lot for when these justices “get things wrong”, at least in your opinion.

no muscles, long hair, hairy chin
thats an armenian woman, alright.

Thanks, Streisand effect

As a Second Amendment Enjoyer, I find my eyes to be doing cartwheels lately.

Separate issue, but I agree with you.

I would say based elf, but it seems you prefer to identify as an orc.

Cool well guess what they were alive in the 1760s - 1820’s it’s now 2023 and it’s a very different world.

The Armory refuses to update the Race Change…

yeah i’m sure youre way more harmless than you are helpless, tough guy.

Because the landed gentry lost all of their money, the brits quit trying to control the colonial finances, and we have perpetual energy?

Dude everything is the same but with wifi. Stahp

if you’ve entered a contract with a company and represent said company, it’s a kind of gray area where you can be seen as reflecting poorly on the company for stuff you say on public-facing forums

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And that’s the heart of this discussion.


I’m pretty sure it’s in the agreement to play WoW in the first place they can terminate your account at any time for any reason? Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from a company to revoke your access to their product if you’re spewing hate on twitter (if this is referencing the person I think it is)



And yes I am very harmless weird accusation.

No it is most definitely not Society has changed a lot pink used to be a masculine colour and boys used to wear dresses in fact theres a photo of the 32nd US President as a child wearing a pretty frill dress.

I hope you’re enjoying more than the first right, then. Every lady ought to

Not sure; I haven’t ever read any Terms of Service before but usually it’s “don’t be stupid”. Common sense prevents a lot of issues.

I’d prefer if the company acted only on their property or properties, but as you said this is a gray area.

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I see you’ve been asleep the past 3 years. Would you like some coffee? The govt can’t coerce or cooperate with a private company to deny rights that the government itself has no ability to infringe on. Looking at most government websites and twitter pages this month, do you think they’re a neutral party? Cmon, man. Your focus just need to be to stay focused.
tldr the government can’t use a private institution to circumvent the restriction placed on it by law.

Maldiva didn’t do anything that was illegal or a crime, from whats been posted. I can only assume that blizzards wife’s boyfriend had a problem with the things he said

Because it probably violated the terms in his contract… He wasn’t banned off Twitter nor suspended from Blizzard’s games as far as we know.


Not American so :dracthyr_shrug:

Your Amendments are none of my concern don’t even effect me I’m just an Australian Woman who wants to live a peaceful happy life I don’t go to protests and I don’t do violence.

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Respect for the, ahem, foxy lady.