Freedom of speech

I love my freedom of speech as much as anyone but there is a line to be crossed.

Do they work on foxes?

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They may be. But if they want their “rights” or “freedoms” protected, then that’s not done by them “having hurt feel-feels” because their own definition of something that doesn’t exist should be made into a law.

Sorry, I thought I’d start with something simple you could understand better than your raging here.


No but wolf whistles do :dracthyr_uwu:

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I have no doubt some unsavory people may use it as a dog whistle, as there are terrible people all over the world, but I don’t believe Matt Walsh is one of those people. I watched parts of the documentary and was overall neutral to it for the most part, but found myself agreeing more than disagreeing.


Well unfortunately for you such platforms have to obey the laws of more then just America they have to obey the laws of every country said website is accessible in.

Then clearly you have the fortune of not being among those he thinks should have the right to private bodily autonomy stripped from which by the way is recognised as a human right.

Well if you found yourself agreeing with a lot of it then you should stay out of said matters and leave it to the professionals.

E-sports usually require you to work with the company and any other sponsors. So if the company doesn’t see you as a fit with their brand then they’re well within their rights to terminate their work relationship with you.

Well, you have my condolences on that.
Can’t imagine it’s fun socializing with all that knocking around up there.

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insults and stuff like transphobic, bla bla bla, it gets old because nowadays anything and everything can be called as bad

so fun for the diveristy and inclusion when you dare disagree with some people :roll_eyes:

Yeah thats why those websites suck.

If you’re going to complain about a cliche,

then you shouldn’t use one yourself…

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I just want an entire group of people to stop existing, why is the left so intolerant of my views??


If that group are croc wearers, i’m on board

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ah yeah, that answer is kinda a meme :roll_eyes:

I can’t believe you could be so openly bigoted here and face no consequence.


We both know they don’t


My favorite reptile.


Even croc wearers have something to contribute to society.

Just think of them as a warning sign, like to avoid a sinkhole or an electric fence.


No not really just things that are well bad like supporting taking away people’s Human Right to Private Bodily Autonomy. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Paradox of Tolerance ever heard of it?

Heres a lil excerpt I “borrowed” from a random website in case you haven’t :dracthyr_uwu:

If everyone is tolerant of every idea, then intolerant ideas will emerge. Tolerant people will tolerate this intolerance, and the intolerant people will not tolerate the tolerant people. Eventually, the intolerant people will take over and create a society of intolerance. Therefore, Popper said, to maintain a society of tolerance, the tolerant must be intolerant of intolerance… hence the paradox.


If you ask me as a person, I disagree.
If you ask me as a Warlock, however, no lives matter. Except mine. Especially mine.