Freedom of speech

What some people don’t seem to understand is Blizz gives us a limited right of free speech as long as what is said does not violate their rules.

Whith that said that limited right does not give one the right to make others have to read what was said.

The rules are arbitrary. That’s the issue I take with them. Calling something harassment when it doesn’t meet the legal definition, redefining the concept of violence in the culture, as well as what now constitutes acceptable beliefs to a fringe element of the population; its simply contributing to the growing lack of communication. Blizzard hasn’t been very communicative anyways, and the forum and in game moderation makes it worse.
Anyway that spun off on a bit of a rant. Apologies.


I don’t have context for what the OP is talking about specifically, but they asked about banning a blizzard game account for something said on social media. How does that make anyone read what was said, if it’s on a completely different site?

Munches popcorn and chugs mountain dew. :popcorn: :beers:

He said, “I’m the top rated female warlock in the world” or something like that on his twitter account. The same stunt some dude pulled when he was doing a deadlift, I think. Walked up to the bar, said, “I identify as a woman,” broke the womens powerlifting record, stepped back and said I’m man, or something like that.

Do you know who it was?

just some diva, i guess.

Yeah just curious. Must not be anyone good because I literally can’t even find anything on google about it

Google has been terrible for years, though.

So he said it in a joking manner and got banned?

You’re not allowed to joke about the state religion.

He repeatedly broke a contract for an esports team and was kicked off.

Don’t perpetuate misinformation.


For crying out loud i asked a question.

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Freedom of speech applies to the government, not a privately owned video game or its forum to which you agree to certain terms to be allowed to have access to, etc.


I cant watch the video, if its even still up, due to my location. Just asking a simple question.

Yes, you can. No one who posts this has ever read what its referencing.

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You seem to misunderstand both the first amendment and the question in the OP, which does not reference the government at all

The question in the OP was a red herring anyways, since nothing of the sort has taken place or is likely to.

At last check they don’t ban anybody in-game for what they do outside the game.

Although sometimes they are barred from tournaments and whatnot.

Anyways, I think they’re able to suspend you for any (or no) reason.

So he said it in a hateful manner or jokingly?