Free xfers from high to low are needed now

It was full at launch. I realize the history but the fact they created more servers to be open on August 26 prior to launch means Stalagg was full at that time.


So people should be mind readers?

Blizz opened the server told people to play there instead.

If people don’t like queues, reroll. Do it now while it makes sense.


Oh sorry I missed one out of all the others my bad. 16 servers have qs now. There’s an issue.


White Knights will be White Knights I suppose…

On August 14th. Things change people were warned to move off full servers when they made new ones for the 26th. OP decided not to.

In any case, this is a pointless discussion. If blizzard is smart they don’t do anything until they want to remove layers and see where things are then, if populations need adjusting.

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Less people will be likely to transfer at that time as people will be more involved and have ties with the server communities. The sooner the better.


You missed at least more than one, Old Blanchy doesn’t have a queue either and it was open on the 26th. Some of the others probably don’t either but I am not going to hunt them up considering you haven’t made any effort to be factual yourself.

Can confirm. The only time I’ve had a queue on Blanchy was on opening night. Since then I haven’t waited a second.

That’s really great sweetie now tell me why the server xfer wouldn’t benefit everyone. If you can’t come up with a solid answer then sit down.

It’s not a matter of benefit, it’s a matter of business.

They’re not gonna give out a paid service for free.

The answer is there’s nothing precluding you from fixing your own problem by rolling yourself on a new server. If you need other people to solve all your problems for you then I probably don’t want you to xfer to my server


Your looking at this as a personal problem and not a whole game whole community issue. Yeah telling people to reroll is fine and dandy, that’s not going to save the new servers from dying, it never has, and it never will. So you are better off at conceding because there is something that is needed.

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There’s lots of people figuring it out and rolling on the newer servers. They’ll be fine. The sooner you figure out what you need to do, the sooner you’ll be fine also.

You must work for Blizzard =]

That’s not going to happen. It never has and it never will. That’s just a simple fact. Once the que times go away then it’s done. People won’t have a reason to leave as they won’t want to be put on a dead server.

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LOL there are no dead servers.

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Do you even understand what I’m telling you even a little bit? I’m talking about down the road, once people start leaving

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yea I agree a lot of people already put time into their character after doing what blizzard asked and going to the new realms and those new realms also became full, so yea free char transfers or refund first month of sub in my opinion. most people work full time and want to enjoy the game when they have the chance and instead stuck in a que.

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I agree, if there’s not enough servers for everyone who wants to play without continuing to redo the levels they just did there’s an issue. I don’t really care if there’s some low pop servers, I care that I can begin to play the game and invest my time in a char with peace of mind knowing I’m not gonna have to re roll again because yet again my server became overpopulated. Putting a higher priority on making sure there’s never ever ever gonna be a “dead” server over current customer’s right to login and play without a wait is backwards in my opinion. I think there should also be a server cap so more people cant come to a server once it reaches “full”