Free Warcraft minis!

Well that’s just cool as heck. Now I just gotta find out who I know who has a 3D printer!


That’s pretty swank! Too bad I know no one with such a thing. lol

I have a friend with 8+ printers… XD His printers print printers. Well, a few parts need to be metal, but yah. It’s hilarious. (He also teaches in 3d design and printing)

Can’t wait to see all the models!

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and this just popped up on my FB feed Collect Warcraft Rumble Miniatures in WoW!..

at first i am like someone is getting sued lol
then saw the blizzard tag lol

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I know someone , but he’s too busy using it for all of his Warhammer models

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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He’s super serious about it. Told me that he Stopped playing warcraft, during Wrath.

He’s Probably spent thousands not to mention he paints them all individually. There’s a gaming center somewhere they have a giant room dedicated to these mock battles

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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No Garrosh

Who would even want such things

They aren’t in my toy box for some reason oh well

Oh yes. Warhammer is huge. Even Mordheim games can last days, and that’s the smaller battle version.


Too bad there’s no orcs

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At least there’s Grom and Cairne. Here’s the playable rooster. :scroll::robot:

For anyone that’s interested… these prints are HUGE. If you want to get it to 28-32mm scale (the normal wargame scale) you need to scale them down to ~65%-70%. I haven’t printed one yet to figure out the exact scale you’ll need.

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They already do, but it’ll be an incredible opportunity for those with a background in 3d design / millwrighting for creating blueprints in the trades. Once it becomes feasible to have a 3d printer on every work site / in your work van it’ll be a profession in itself just doing part crafting and delivery for customs fittings.

Teef be fun to collect.


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I smell some heresy.

So just did my first print of a defias bandit. Used a 60% scale and that looks closest to a warhammer human size (32mm).

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