Free trial period with recruit a friend?

Longtime player took a break after getting several toons to 120, resubbed because after years of having zero interest my wife has agreed to give wow a try. I intend to send her a recruit a friend invite, but I’ve been unable to determine if she gets a 30 day trial period in order to use the recruitment or do we have to ad a sub for her to begin playing together?

I think RAF is applied while your wife’s account is a trial. She still has to buy the game and when she does, you’ll get a free month after her first month of game time.

Tldr, she’ll get a free 30 days with the purchase of the game and you’ll get a free 30 days after that 30 days.

I think that’s how it works.

There is no buying the game anymore, its free to download and play up to the level 20 trial. The account created has to be like under 90 days to count, might even be less than that. Your account will get an extra month subscription for the first month the RAF account subscribes to, and the second month subscription gets you the choice of the pet or mount bonuses.

So she needs to start a trial account before I sign her up for RAF? I thought she did that when she responds to the RAF email from Blizzard. Either way, when the accounts are linked does she get to play with me like an active account or does she still have the 10 gold limit, no trading etc. that is part of the normal 1-20 trial?

Send the email anyway, it’ll give them a link to download the game and setup a new account. It’s automatically set as a trial account from the start, it has the same limitations as being unsubbed that you can only play up to level 20 characters and all those other restrictions. When the account adds a subscription after that, it counts as an active account. The buying base game part was removed, that’s the only difference.