Free transfers



PLEASE for the love of god


forced to play on a dead server


Yes so Horde can have even more of a PvE server then they already do. Why not?

Why is there no free transfers for Sulfuras alliance? Was looking forward for free transfers to open so I can play my character again without being on a 99.9% horse server.

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Well if it’s any comfort, the only horses i’ve seen are on Alliance and I don’t think you need to worry about them. Well, except Warlock mounts but they’re kinda crazy anyways.

Yea i want to leave too

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facts boooy

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Please Blizzard, I just want to see my family again ;_;

Please for the love of Azeroth, enable Free Transfer. I too came looking for this and was blown away this has not been offered yet.

What the hell?! COME ON!!

If you type /who 1-70 you can see the entire online server… 33 people?! (I would upload photo but forums do not let me).

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Blizz should be repairing these populations, not letting them decompose. It is a travesty that things have gotten this bad and you guys should not be forced to pay money just to get on a server with an actual population.

I want the alliance back; a healthy alliance.


so bring them back. trust me we would absolutely welcome the 50/50 split that we used to have on this server pre AQ40

still need em

Send help Cant level as alliance.


I would suspect Blizz is making a metric ^&*( ton of money on transfers so free transfers because of low pop is likely never going to happen. They only free transfer high pop servers like Ben and Faer.

PLEASEE allow it