get me the hell off area 52. always down cant play game ruin the groups for other players. all that money and cant provide a server for people that isnt always offline.
blizzard just letting it go on forever hoping they milk money from idiots to pay for transfers. pathetic
Yes please allow free server transfers off Area 52. It seems to be the only server that consistently has issues.
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free transfers to the server of our choice at that since most ppl that play on area 52 do so since it’s high pop. aint tryin to xfer to BFE
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include a free guild transfer too. this is ridiculous
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Every night the same problem. Fix it or give us free server transfer.
Just had my 3rd DC for the night.
Yes very frustrating!! Killed our. M+ key tuesday due to dcing everyone and took us over 35 mins to get back online. Then tonight halfway threw raid we lost 10 people to dcs. This is rediculius. Ive been on Area52 for many years, its never been this bad. I have a ton of toons and gm of my guild not gunna pay to move everything or expect my entire raid team/guild to pay to move but if Blizzard would do a free transfer to a realm of our choice id be interested in that! Yes i know guilds are cross realm but if it goes down all the time cant have the raid team on Area52.
Or fix your damn servers blizzard! We pay good money to play this game, so let us play!
Weird Area 52 is down again. When are we ever going to get free transfers off this god forsake server,
Give us game time compensation for dealing with this crap, give us free transfers OR FIX THE PROBLEM this is ridiculous, I’m trying to raid and can’t because of this.
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please let me transfer server down again on the 20 minutes i can play a day. 9/24/24 755pm est
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It would be funny if the rest of the community started not inviting anyone from area 52 to any content because it’s just not worth having your key bricked from Blizzard being incompetent.
either fix it or give us free transfer or ppl will stop giving you money hopefully
This is already happening