Free Transfers for Earthfury

So since blizzard open free transfers to Earthfury and completely overpopulated the server to the point farming is almost impossible. Also the removal of layering as of 5/1. When do we get free transfers to get off this toxic server @blizzard


It’s locked. Also how do you purpose to have transfers as so not to screw up another server? Your current logic simply continues the issue on other servers.

And I would agree they let way too many Horde transfer before closing transfers. At the beginning of April we had an almost 50-50 split, but then it skewed Horde. Would have been nice to keep that almost perfect split. And as bad as layering can be it allows farming even with a high population. I’ll wait to see how high Earthfury is come post-lockdown.

You don’t, that’s the point- they give some people free xfers in the hopes of messing up both the origin server and the destination. Incend and EF are now heavily skewed, and chances are things will get continually worse on both until the smaller faction has to pay to leave or basically have a chunk of the game shut off for them.

Blizz has done this to multiple servers now, they know what they’re doing and their shareholders are thanking them.

I agree. The problem is overpopulation NOT faction imbalance thus they should give some free transfers to low/med pop servers and make them faction specific so the target server can be more balanced

Maybe its not a faction balance problem for you because you’re on the dominating side… There are waaaaay more horde now. we were close to 50/50 before all this started.

Fair enough, so FREE transfers for Horde OFF Earthfury to some Alliance dominated
low/med server

If Blizzard had simply closed transfers we’d be almost 50/50. Ironforge Pro had the server showing only 21 more Alliance than Horde on April 6. And that negligible. I have a second account for bank alts, mage alt, etc. I know others with multiple accounts. Blizzard paid no attention to the server population. I envy Kromcrush.

It’s not just the faction ratio that is important to me, it’s also the fact that the server is OVERpopulated, The server cap is too high, there are just too many people .

Everyplace is over farmed to the point there is no point to going to any non-instanced location.

Agreed, we had 3500 roughly in March and now sit over 7000. Blizzard just flipped the switch and walked away until recently.

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