Free Transfers Coming on Monday

everyone here needs to chill it went thru it did not take 5 days or w.e.


I think that means the number of days for the free migration, but the way its worded makes me think it could take several days for the xfer to complete.
Let us hope it means the number of days for the free xfer.

It wasn’t that. I cleared the Brewfest mail but the error still show up. A GM fixed it through the ticket and now I’m on the waitlist to transfer.

I don’t have brewfest and says I need to empty mail. I have no mail. how did you do a ticket?

Remulos please… to arugal :")

That free transfer path has been available for a while.

Perhaps a thread with all current free transfer paths should be made available and stuck to the top of the forum. This way all players have the currrent and updated information readily available at all times.


You do realize Blizzard that for us Alliance players you are only offering us 1 server to really choose from since Faerlina and Whitemane are both 99% horde servers so I don’t actually have a choice except to move to Benediciton. I mean seriously, this is why i complain a lot, you offer free transfers but we only actually get 1 choice. If that is the case Then let us choose from 5-6 different servers this way if we are going to screw ourselves over we have a better choice of screwage. Sorry but seriously, makes no sense. Oh wait, it does I guess if we don’t like it we can always pay and give you more of our money to make a better choice. And I guess I better research and make sure I pick a server that is right choice. FAIL.

For real, The 3 servers offered to Transfer off of Eranikus is only Benedicition for Alliance players Since Faerlina and Whitemane are 99% Horde. I mean seriously why offer 3 choices if only 1 is damn logical. Just let us choose where in the Hell we want to go. Your still making money off of us. Oh shoot i better research the servers to make sure i make a good choice, Pfft worthless choices to be really honest. Thats why i dont spend money no more on the game, rather i make my gold in the 1st week of the month and buy 2-3 tokens and play for free basically.

Bloodsail Buccaneers to… anywhere really. Please?

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How long is the timeframe to transfer, apologies if that was addressed somewhere and I missed it.

Are there any plans for EU transfers?

The thought process for having 99% Horde servers as free transfer path options for Alliance is to generate money. Using the playerbase as a cash grab.

Manipulating player psychology, emotions, feelings, love of the game and intrigue.

When a person feels as though they’re getting something for free or a deal, they are more likely to spend more money than they otherwise would have.

For example:
Player A has 5 characters. They move 3 characters to the only Alliance option Benediction for free, but then also move 2 characters to a 99% Horde server. Since they have used the free character transfer path option; buying the Faction Change seems like a deal to be able to now playing on a different server as a different faction.

This is a better option to earn money for Blizzard, rather than having a player stop playing due to not having enough of a population to play with.

It’s tough to have a player make the first move to spend money, but if a player is now getting something for free or a deal, they’re more likely to now spend. The first move now being made for the player.

How did the servers even get to be in this condition to allow such manipulation of the player base? Unfortunately Blizzard’s intentional poor management of the servers produces this cycle, for every quarter earnings report.

These realms that are now given free transfer paths, Sulfuras and Eranikus, never should have been allowed to have transfers off the server or opened in the first place. The realms were perfectly balanced and had healthy populations before this decision to destroy them. Blizzard created this problem, to generate more money later. That later is now.

This same manipulation and tactic was used just a few months ago to Skyfury and Angerforge servers.

Faction Change was introduced to WoW Classic 02/07/2023.

This same manipulation and school of thought was also used when Blizzard introduced free transfer paths from Faerlina to Benediction as well as Benediction to Faerlina, on 03/03/2023.

Hope players start to put on their glasses on.

Put the glasses on! Put 'em on!

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass… and I’m all out of bubblegum.

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Cool all my toons are already on Bene. In other news… @Kaivax can you please look into the rogues botting Black temple. They invite you to group, get you clear the first 3 bosses cuz they say they’re gonna pay you 600g but all they want is the first 3 bosses cleared so they can pickpocket the raids trash all week. Its annoying that LFG chat is literally 6000 rogues WHO ARE BOTTING black temple are taking up all the trade chat. Thanks in advance, its your game. May want to monitor your product more if you don’t wanna end up on Wish…

That’s WAYYY too much work friend…

Now I am not one to defend Blizzard… but do you even know the current realm population status?

What other realm are they going to offer you? There are only 6 PvP realms and 2 of them are currently being murdered by these free transfers. 1 is the only Oceanic PvP realm and the other three are the target options of Benediction, Faerlina, and Whitemane.

Do you expect them to pull another alliance PvP realm out of their rear ends?

You choose to roll on a PvP realm you are stuck with it unless you want to pay to go to a PvE, RP, or RP PvP realm… not that any of the four final PvP realms are PvP realms except for maybe Arugal and that’s 25/75

Please, I need my arena points from the previous week. Or were my arena points lost due to the migration?

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Can a GM delete the bugged, invisible mail in my mailbox so that I can take the free transfer to Faerlina? Character is “Igorzz” on Eranikus.

Thank you Blizzard.

A fair change. I transferred 3 days before this was announced and paid my $75 (too bad), but this is a good move and honorable.

Looking for a GM to delete my invisible mail on my character “Fonairf” on Eranikus. Thank you