The “f2p”/unsubbed mode should increase level cap to 30 or 40.
When wrath classic released i made a fresh hunter on retail and loremastered a few zones in wrath chromie. Zones like Icecrowm and Shadowmoon Valley everything is 25. I couldnt start Icecrown quest do to be only 20. Also i had found Lok’ and had to kill him cause i wasnt high enough level to tame exotic pets or w.e.
Also maybe it couks open f2p/ubsub raiding… i think you can go into raids at lvl 30. So that would be an interesting scene to see
Why? I see no reason this benefits them and the community will be even more garbage than it is now. If rather only have to deal with people for whom being a jerk is so important theyre willing to pay for it. Smaller pool of terrible people.
Plenty of reasons. They can actually learn to enjoy the game, the current F2P barely scratches the surface. The commitment to the character will make them want to continue playing, if you stick with a character from 1-60 the likelyhood of you subbing would be greater.
You people than can’t form a coherent argument and resort to calling people cringe are…you guessed it! Cringe!
You don’t seem to understand how human beings work.
Plenty of people pay to play 1-60 now. You’re off your rocker if you think Blizzard should or needs to just tell all those folks its ok they dont need their money anymore.
Free handouts? I bought each version of the game and supported money on top of that with a sub… its my already purchased game that im just wanting to fully play when maybe current end game isnt 100% fulfilling
If they wanna ruin the WoW economy, they have to pay.
The other reason, this game is old, everyone knows what it is about. Playing till 60 is still not going to give a good picture of what goes on at max level.
Like you and your other character that can’t make an intelligent argument and instead just hurl playground insults? You’re right. Gl with your f2p crusade
I gave 2 arguments, you’re pretending they don’t exist. Of course I’m going to insult willful ignorance. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope you’re trolling. It would be sad if you weren’t. Have a good day.
Considering how little effort Blizzard puts into the 1-60 experience, I sincerely doubt that making 1-60 F2P would have any significant impact on their subscription numbers if at all. Most people subscribed to this game operate at the endgame since that’s where 95% of the focus goes.
I think you’re missing the point here. By expanding on WoW’s F2P offerings, Blizzard opens itself up to more opportunities to rope in potential subscribers, thereby increasing the number of players playing the game and inevitably increasing the number of people subscribing to it.
This is not some novel concept. It has been well-established in video games that offering a F2P model to funnel players into a premium model is highly lucrative. That’s why so many games have greatly expanded their F2P offerings.