Because when they got the item it was actually 5% and a WHOLE season later nerfed to 1%. I don’t see the similarities?
Is it possible it is conflicting with the Mace spec for War? Diminishing returns?
Yeah so I guess I’ll hope for a Gorehowl to start pvp. Deep Thunder just didn’t proc enough for ret as it was, cut that by 20% and it’s a waste of time.
Inaccurate interpretation of tbc, nothing accomplished here is legitimate or impressive.
Mace spec is still good.
relax is just game
This thread just decided which spec i go for smithing. I’ve been on the fence about Sword V Hammer… guess I’ll start banking primals now for the 10x primal mights ima need
Welcome to Team Lionheart. Enjoy your stay …I know you will! <3
Nah, my data is from retribution.
I figured that as soon as I saw you were a pally. (even on retail char)
I play on EU I just leveled a paladin to 10 on starter edition to post on US.
EU Forums don’t get any attention, they even fail to announce major changes and even patches from time to time.
I don’t know why it still exist at this point.
What part of end patch itemization in classic did you not understand? Did you literally go into TBC praying they would let you use something that was changed extremely prior to 2.4.3?
Sucks to be you.
Not a big deal for paladins. Make both and pay for the respec.
Yet Blizzard went ahead and made the craftable OH mace into a MH like it was early on but changed to a OH prior to 2.4.3.
And that’s just one of many changes to recreate the phase 1 experience.
Yes, because the ability to wield a weapon is the same as its itemization.
One is a mechanical change, one is itemization they are not the same.
Enjoy your mace that everyone already knew was bad, well except people that can’t be bothered to take the time to read.
Feel free to post sources to this.
I would like to know how everybody know
If you can’t be bothered to logically think of “gee where could I possibly go to find all class information like a group, perhaps a community? I wonder where I could easily find something that might be the top google search…hmmm?”
Then enjoy your mace.
Got my mace pretty early on and no one knew it was changed from Beta to Live.
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