Free mount to the first reply

Why are you quoting me with this post? lol :grimacing:

Didnt want you sharing you email here :wink:

Just looking out for you

I appreciate that, but I never fell for the OP’s shenanigans or even expressed interest in the giveaway. :grin:

I get enough spam emails as it is. :joy:

You can check out my giveaway. Due to this sale its become pretty epic. Its 100% legit and I have a track record of doing this to prove it. Link is is one of my post above

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Nah I’m okay. Thanks though! I just don’t have much of an interest in mounts. That being said, I’m currently farming for the Pally Broken Shore mount, haha. :joy:

If the Grinning Reaver was in the shop right now, I’d be beating down your door though. :stuck_out_tongue:

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