Free mount to the first reply

Free mount to the person who says the number im thinking between 1 and 20

your level 18 so i say 18


  1. it’s always 3
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9 If it’s not 9, it’s 6 for sure

Its above 15

17 it is :slight_smile:

I think op is bamboozling us. First they said first reply, then they said first to guess the number they’re thinking. When will the lies end op?

It was meant as the first to guess the number but I see where issues might arise.

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1 because you’re number 1 for doing this.

I will give another guess
Its between 15 and 20 now

Don’t use a fail answer

19 i think

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Can only be 19 or 20 as all others were written. Else the draenei is right :stuck_out_tongue:

You cant take both lol

18, I know it

He’s got other threads going too. Think it’s all to fool y’all

19 gimme gimme gimme