or any item on the store.
guess the non red shade first and its yours
it’s teal
off you fly its not blue
im afraid not
Wow. You dont even know what your favorite color is.
So sad.
If it’s a basic color, I’m guessing yellow
If it’s bougie, since you used the word shade, Amber.
i very much do lol
Clearly not!
Or you woulda been all “YOU ARE RIGHT AKSTON”.
Cause I know what your favorite color is, obviously. And it pains me to see that you dont.
okay so say it and win lol
I did. Magenta.
its not lol
So sad to see a person that doesn’t even know their favorite color!
Breaks my heart.
Green maybe?
oh i know it very well lol
Cobalt blue
Green is not a creative colour
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