Free Character Transfers for Burning Crusade Classic Realms

Locking the dominant faction doesn’t help the dead faction. Who would like to transfer to a server where your faction is dead? Would you?

You would if you only had <1000 alliance on your server. If you were given the chance to transfer off that to a server with 4000+ alliance but the alliance was 40%? You totally would. You would be stupid not to.

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Are those of us that had to transfer off dead (single faction) servers over the past year going to be reimbursed the transfer fees? Felstriker had been needing this for a long time, since the banging of the AQ gong and was advocated for as such to deaf ears.

This is too little too late otherwise, the corporate side of Blizzard already got the majority of the transfer money, only pennies are left. Empty gesture.

If that’s the case i agree 100%

As a Deviate Delight player as horde and ally on Grobb I’m pretty sure my horde will be again on a dead server with no guilds left because they made a rule that we cant play both horde and ally on same server if its pvp

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Are those of us that had to transfer off dead (single faction) servers over the past year going to be reimbursed the transfer fees? Felstriker had been needing this for a long time, since the banging of the AQ gong and was advocated for as such to deaf ears.

This is too little too late otherwise, the corporate side of Blizzard already got the majority of the transfer money, only pennies are left. Empty gesture.


This is archaic and needs to be removed. There is no reason to prevent people from transferring between PvE and PvP servers anymore.


Most of the remaining Earthfury ally guilds are leaving, just FYI to you so you know. I expect the realm to show 99% horde within 3 weeks. Yes, this is a problem, and no the announcement does not address this issue on servers. I’ve been fighting this kind of thing for months. So it sucks. :frowning:

I wish that you will provide low-mid population server a free transfer to high/mid pop server. Also, the transfer should not be restricted to some specific high population servers.

For Deviate Delight, please just CONNECT us to Grobbulus.

Many of us play one faction on DD and the other faction on Grob and therefore a FCM doesn’t help at all since we wouldn’t be able to use it.

Connecting also allows us to keep our character names.


nice nice nice nice nice nice nice!!! asda sda D

I second this, a corridor our of Deviate delight must be opened

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it really is a funny time on the internet right?

Please allow PVE to PVP transfer - we need this!!!


Better late than never? I guess?

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Wouldnt it just be easier to have a grace period where tbc character transfers are free amongst all servers? Allowing any combination of PvE - > PvP - > RP etc.

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You can transfer in and out of RP servers.

you can’t transfer PvE → PvP.

Which is exactly why people on this thread are asking that it is

That’s something everyone knew that you couldn’t transfer off from PvE, and you have PvE server options like Pagle and Makrik, so no

scroll up this entire thread mentions this